A Back-to-School Poem-Just for Y’all

There’s a lot of talk about the new school year, how to get organized, what to do, all that sorta jazz.  I will say right now, I have done nothing, nada, nyet for school preparation.  And I just figured out why. In total avoidance.  As they get older, I get older.

My eldest child is going into Grade 12.  That’s momentous.  This is her last year of high school (hopefully).  This time next year, we will have dropped her off to her dorm, and our nest will have begun to empty.  I’ve already felt the effects of the progeny growing up.  While I have lots of time to laze around eating bon bons (actually go to yoga, blog, read), the amount of family time we experience is at about 10% capacity. Most nights, we have one, maybe two asleep in their beds. We went to Buffalo for a couple of days, and one didn’t come.  We went to visit my mom at her new home 1.2 hrs from us, and another didn’t come.  Even when I offered Five Guys Hamburgers & Fries, one didn’t come!   I feel like a store that has a bestseller-I just can’t seem to keep these kids in stock.

When I think back to today, 12 years ago, life was completely different.  I had a one month old baby, one going into Senior Nursery, and another going into Senior Kindergarten.  Now, they are all out for the day, school is no big deal, and I’m pretty sure all of the markers have dried up.  I continue to watch time marching on, but I feel like I should still celebrate back-to-school.  So, what better way to celebrate than with a poem?  Enjoy!


The Day before school 12 years ago was busy

We were running around, getting ready in a tizzy

The baby was crying, the house stunk of poo

My toddler and preschooler have nothing to do.

The schedule for staggered entry is pretty distressing

But two kids in school makes me feel we’re progressing

The outfits laid out so clean and so cute

Tiny little backpacks, pencil cases to boot.

My baby will be dragged hither and thither

When he cries, its’ too bad, even if his lip quivers

I’m exhausted, I’m baked, when will these kids grow up?

I can’t even imagine this breast feeder using a cup.

My labour day today, 12 years have passed

Boy time’s flown, the family’s grown up so fast.

I’ve texted those kids 3 billion times

They strictly answer on threat of severe fines

I’m sitting alone, the house is so quiet

Until a text comes, ‘I need this, can I buy it?”

I forgot to buy school supplies; is it too late?

I’m busy doing yoga, they’ll just have to wait.

Nobody needs me, they ignore me, I feel like a patsy

But its way more annoying being treated like a taxi.

Happy first day of school, those with young uns and teeners

I hope your kids are smart and act like little keeners

Cuz the reason for school, if I may be so bold,

Is so they can be rich and support us when we get old!


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  1. AW what a great poem! I loved it so much…congratulations on raising your family so well, and keeping humor alive in your life. I hope everybody has a wonderful school year.

  2. I love the poem. Is it bad that I have bought nothing for my kid to start JK on Friday. I plan on getting indoor shoes sometime this week but that is about it.

    • Indoor shoes are a great start. As is a lunch bag and backpack. They usually like to have their own pencil case with markers and stuff too!

      • Oh I got the lunch bag and backpack left over from preschool last year 😉 This cheap mom is not buying new ones when they are in perfectly good shape.

  3. Hey, I awarded you the liebster for your blog! Hop over to my blog for the details!

  4. You are too fun and I love reading your posts, they are insightful with just the right infusion of humour!!
    Terrific poem, really hits all of the right cords!!


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