The Valium Chronicles: The Hairy Movember

Movember Moustache Styles (image source:

My son, Bubba, is 15.  He has a interesting sense of humour (I can’t imagine where he gets it from).  We just spent some quality time together at the hospital having his hand looked at.  He injured it playing football.  He’s about 1/2 the size (but with double the heart) of the other players, so it was inevitable that he’d get hurt.  He’s already had a concussion this year, which I wasn’t happy about due to his fancy brains being jiggled up. He’s upset now, because he can’t play any sports AT ALL for at least four weeks.  He asked so many questions at the hospital, several of which included the lovely ‘But Why?’ that I asked him if he was five or 15.  To my question he replied, ‘But WHY can’t I swim?’  From that last question, I assumed he was being five.

After the hospital, I took him out for a burger.  As we were sitting there, I noticed that his peach fuzz was starting to look like a hairy caterpillar.

‘Bubs, you need to shave.’

‘Its November. I’m doing Movember.’

‘Son, I have to break it to you.  You are not nearly hairy enough to do Movember.  Most likely you’d require Mo-sixmonthser. Possibly even Mo-fulleryearember’

‘I have to do Movember. I made a commitment.’

‘What do you mean you made a commitment?’

‘I’m on the website. I have $1.25 in sponsors.  Matan (his friend) gave me 5 Cents.’

‘Well, how generous of Matan.  Where did the other $1.20 come from?’

He grinned at me.

‘So, you sponsored yourself $1.20?  To grow a moustache?’

‘Well, I already have two supporters. I’m locked in.’

‘Who are your supporters?  Yourself and Matan?  You can’t support yourself.’

‘Well, I should get community service for school for doing Movember. Like a month’s worth. Its hard work growing this moustache.  And its for charity.’

‘You want a months worth of community service for attempting to grow a straggly, hairy caterpillar on your top lip, all the while raising $1.25?’

His grin got wider.  And more mischievous.  I realized, too late, that he was messing with me.

‘You are a pain in my ass, my son.’

‘Well, when I was born, I for sure pained your ass.’

‘You weren’t a pain in my ASS when you were being born.  You were a pain somewhere else.’

‘I’m sure your whole body hurt.’

‘Not really.  Not my whole body.  And not my ass.’  He was pushing it, so therefore, so would I.

‘Your ass probably hurt while you were birthing me.  I’m sure of it.’

I gave up.  Because it probably did.  But, that boy is SHAVING!

And in other news, my Noshember is over because Big J is home from his business trip.   Now, shaving my legs…THAT’S A PAIN IN MY ASS.

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  1. Paula schuck

     /  November 4, 2011

    Noshember? Not gonna ask. Girl this so validates what I was asking the other day on twitter. Do all teens have ADHD because my tween is all over that.

    Your kid is funny. I like his fancy brains.


  2. OMG, this is the funniest of ALL your funny posts my friend!! This is really great stuff!!!

  3. Fun- I love it! (And totally agree that Movember is just an excuse to be lazy with reason. )

  4. Too funny. Please tell him I’ll pitch in seven cents. : )
    My kid is 15 too. Question here is which one of us has more of a moustache — him or me. ; )

  5. (a) Dear gawd, he got hurt playing football. As a mother that leaves me all wanting to wrap him in bubble wrap.
    (b) I think it’s awesome that he sponsored himself
    (c) I’m in denial that my boys will ever shave.

    • a) if I wrapped him in bubble wrap he would be popping away while they tackled him, and that would be way embarrassing.
      b) i guess its good to believe in oneself.
      c) Your boys will shave. You’d better hope so, or you’ve got bigger problems.

  6. This is great! I’m very excited to watch this play out. $1.25 is big money.

  7. Hilarious! If there’s anything I love it’s NOT shaving my legs! Unshaven sisters unite . . .

  8. SO FUNNY!!!!!! Such a funny conversation…and yo, Movember’s important….no reason to joke about that!

  9. Haha… that is hilarious! And I used to shave my legs everyday (pre-kids). Now, I am lucky if I remember to do it once a week.

  10. Great article on Movember! I wrote a youtube song called Grow a Muzzy in Movember – that I hope you like


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