Tradition…. Tradition. Passover at Our House

Every year we  debate whether to serve meat or chicken as the main course at Passover.  The meal, by tradition and definition is pretty massive already, with several ritualistic and traditional courses as part of the evening.

Passover is the re-telling of the Jew’s exit from Egypt after being enslaved by Pharaoh.  We hold two Seders (the word means ‘order’, as the evening’s proceedings follow a certain order), and we read from the Hagaddah,which means ‘to tell’, since we tell the story of our ancestor’s delivery from slavery in the land of Egypt.

In a nutshell, Moses, acting on behalf of the Big Kahuna himself, is sent to  convince his people to follow him right out of slavery, and hopefully to the Promised Land.  Ever polite, Moses asks the Pharaoh several times to ‘Let my people go.’  Helping out in the background is G-d, who sends any manner of what should be convincing messages (the plagues)  to Pharaoh to try to convince him to release the Jewish people from slavery.  Pharaoh is a stubborn monarch, and holds his ground until the last plague-the smiting of the first born. After that, he tells Moses to take his people and get the heck out.  And to do it fast, before he changes his mind.

Enter the Passover Seder, an in-the-home service and meal where we re-tell the story of the Exodus and eat ourselves silly.  Stretchy pants are de-riguer.

We are not very religious.  Or Seders take about 30 minutes (in other homes they can be up to two hours), and they are a bit chaotic, involving a lot of screaming, matzo throwing, and my older brother screaming out ‘Where’s Elijah’ in a Deep South accent.  But, we love our version of Passover. To me and my siblings, tossed around in our childhoods by divorce, tradition means everything. That means that we serve the EXACT same meal, year-over-year.  We use the same recipes, even though my mother tries to suggest, delicately, that we try something new.  But, in this we children hold firm.

So, back to the beginning and the moot debate about meat or chicken. I say moot because even though we discuss it, the menu does not change.   We serve both, and the meat’s always brisket, and the chicken is always Lemon Chicken.

I have to say, I’m like a Passover dictator.  I make almost all the food myself (Matzo ball soup, meat, vegetables, sides, even the desserts).  I carefully parcel out contributions to my family-I let someone bring the Gefilte fish, and my brother makes the chicken.  My sister rocks the Charoset, and I’ll let just about anyone boil and peel the eggs to be served in salt water.

But, other than that, its all me. It’s truly a challenge to make amazing food when you follow the restrictions imposed by the Passover ban on anything leavened or that expands (you can’t even eat mustard). But, I do believe that I’m the master. Especially, when it comes to Brisket.  Everyone says theirs is the best, but mine truly is.  And, I don’t even have to brag about my frozen lemon meringue cake.  The fact that it always gets finished, even after a 5000 calorie meal speaks for itself.  Here’s a post with the recipes for both.

If you can wrangle an invite to a Seder, you should do it.  According to tradition, we’re supposed to have someone there who has no better place to be, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find yourself a seat at a Passover table.

Oh, did I mention that we are REQUIRED to drink four glasses of wine during the Seder?

Happy Passover!

For more Passover posts:

The Worthington Post


Kosher Shopaholic

Out of the OrthoBox 

Ima on and Off the Bimah

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  1. I’m much impressed with the four glasses of wine tradition. I may just have to snag myself an invite.

  2. It’s amazing that you have been able to keep up with your own personal traditions. I applaud you! I find that as the senior family members pass away, so do the traditions. And the next generation is doing little to prevent this.

  3. Very cool. I’d like to try the brisket recipe. And the lemon one. I love the history and traditions behind the feast. Pretty special.
    (I’m really tempted to do another Passoveaster… along the lines of brisket, lemon pie, chocolate eggs and the stories of long ago.)

  4. I love that you own your dictator tendencies, and that no one must deviate from the tradition. We’re a bit like that at our home for certain days. Also your brother’s shouting sounds fun.
    The food, the dessert, the wine…I can get with that. Did I mention the wine part?


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