I Smell Change. And its at Feedburner.

Its time for Change.  Change is good.

NO, I didn’t stop blogging.

But I decided to



I’ve decided to go self-hosted, even though the WordPress.com folks have been very nice and all. However, they don’t let me mess up my blog with plug ins.  Even though I may look like this

Trying to install a plug-in

on occasion (or most of the time), I still think its going to be a good idea. Possibly a fabulous idea.  Most likely legendary.

A nice artiste helped me due to my technical incompetence (see picture above).  Her name is Kelly and you can find her at OnThe Moon.ca She made my blog so pretty. Wait till you see it.

It won’t be hard to find me.  Its not

Over the rainbow

Or anything.

In fact, its the same URL. But, remember when you subscribed to my blog?  Yeah, that will all disappear. WordPress may be nice, but they don’t share stuff like that.

So… if you want to keep reading my words of wisdom and stuff, you’ll have to click here and subscribe again.  I’m sorry 😦 to make you subscribe again.

Well, really, I’m NOT that SORRY,  mostly because of the reason.  Which is the fancy schmancy new blog that I have.  Can’t wait to see you over there.. I hope you like blue, green, and smart people.  I do.


Oops wrong kind of Chicky

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