I’m Changing My Life… in 21 Days

So, while Operation Housewife may not be the favourite thing I’ve ever done in my life, equatable only with cleaning out the basement and standing in line for airport security, I realize that my last post was a bit whiney and self-indulgent.  I’m a grown up lady (well for all intents and purposes) and I can certainly do laundry and household chores and/or direct the troops teenagers to do my work for me.

I received my monthly subscription to Chatelaine Magazine a few days ago, and the main headline really caught my eye

Chatelaine Magazine, January 201

REFRESH!! It says. CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 21 DAYS!  It says.  I could use some refreshing.  And, I could use some changing (I mean, who couldn’t?)  I want to get more energy, sleep more, and stress less.  Therefore, I decided to CHANGE MY LIFE IN 21 DAYS.  And, since I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because nobody ever keeps them and its one more thing to feel guilty about or beat ourselves up about, I decided to start my 21 days NOW!  On December 14th.

Everyday, I’ll be posting a short video or blog post talking about that days ‘change’.  So, enjoy day 1!

I’d LOVE you to join in on this challenge so put your blog URL in the comments.

I can’t use a linky tool since I’m on the free WordPress.com which often doesn’t feel free but mostly feels like a burden.

Maybe that’s one of the ways I should change my life…hmmm. Self Hosting…Day 22.

Just When You Think You’re Good at Yoga

I was at yoga today and the instructor led us in a completely different routine than I was expecting.  The poses were all out of order and she did some that were completely new to me, and that I had trouble with because of my hamstring injury.  I got irritated, which isn’t the purpose of yoga, OBVIOUSLY.   Also, her core exercises were really hard, and that pissed me off too.  I went to that class looking for a Friday Zen, and instead, I was reminded about how much work I have to do.  In retrospect, that class reminded me that one mustn’t rest on one’s laurels.  I was thinking I was getting pretty good at this Yoga Stuff.  Then, I got reminded, that sure, I can do the regular Moksha sequence, but there is WAY MORE OUT THERE to learn.

The instructor also said that if you’re going to yoga just for fitness or to get a ‘yoga body’ then you should think twice, and expand your reasons. There’s a lot more to be gained, even more than having a legit reason to stock up on Lululemons.  For example there’s the insight into myself I learned today, which is that I THINK I’m really easygoing and adaptable, but I’m ACTUALLY a creature of habit.  Also, I discovered that not being able to do the poses she presented made me mad.  Since I finally found an athletic pursuit I as good at, I forgot what it’s like to be a beginner.  It was good be reminded (since I’ve never actually been good at a sport before), that I’m never really more than a beginner at the next level of my development

It’s funny that this happened to me the day after I read this article Adam Levine and his philosophy and reasons for doing yoga exclusively to any other ‘fitness’ activities.  He talks about the physical and mental benefits that he’s gained, and they are ones that I’d like to achieve also, but only if I take my practice to the next level.

Adam Levin: One hot yogi

Adam agrees and disagrees with my instructor.

He said, ‘”I don’t like how people bullshit about how yoga is not about vanity.” Not that he doesn’t appreciate the spiritual benefits—Levine sees his routines as a therapeutic antidote to the distortions of his career. “Playing a show before thousands of people is a highly unnatural state,” he says, “and when I get on the mat to do an hour of yoga before the show, I come out physically relaxed.”

My favourite thing he said, which I totally identified with, when talking about how his gym routine was a dead end, was:

“Weights made my neck thick, and I would be like, ‘I’m turning into a monster!’ Yoga takes what you have and molds and sculpts it, which is a much more natural way to look and feel.”

I totally agree with that.  I used to work out 2 hrs a day. But, it was boring.  And I was trying to turn my body into something its not.  As I get older (and yes, I’m well into the Cougar years), I want to look like me, only AWESOME:  lean, and fit, and strong, and confident.

That’s why I do yoga now.  And, I should thank the instructor today for reminding me that if I want to get better, I need to keep going out of my comfort zone.  Or else, I’ll never be able to do this:

Adam Levine: One-Legged Koundinyasana II:

Enjoy this little yogic musical interlude.

Top Five Holiday Calorie Savers: Chick Style

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain (source: Hive Health Media.com)


I’ve been very busy writing my NaNoWriMo booklet, or pretending to and going out for lunch etc instead.  (Just in case you were wondering, that large cash prize hasn’t arrived yet.)

So, in the spirit of not neglecting my blog, I begged solicited for guest bloggers.

I was lucky to that Amanda from Fit Chicks offered to write up some healthy tips as the holidays approach. Between American Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas, we can all use some excellent advice.  No one wants to use their holiday dollars on larger pants, that’s for sure!!  I totally agree with all of her points, but I’m definitely on the fence about #5.  But, I’ll consider it. We’ll see how annoying my family is.

So, without further ado:

There is so much temptation around the holidays, with delish treats and sweet cocktails everywhere you feel like you are constantly testing your willpower – and lets be honest you really are. I mean you run into the host who tells you to “clean your plate” or is piling on the seconds before you are even done your first helping. Or the sabotaging co-worker that brings you a “special” treat daily to bring on the cheer or even worse the feeling that just one chocolate wont kill you – but how many of us can really just eat one?
Here are 5 healthy tips to incorporate into your holidays so you can indulge sensibly (aka eat your treats!) without piling on the pounds!
1. Cut the Christmas Coffees
Seems every coffee shop has holiday themed bevvies like Egg Nog Lattes and Candy Cane Hot Chocolates – these can add huge calories to your day without filling you up! (A Starbucks grande egg nog latte has a whopping 470 calories!) Skip these and instead opt for zero-calorie yummy festive herbal teas like chocolate peppermint and gingerbread instead.
2. Look HOT for the Holidays
Wear your sexy skinny jeans or a form fitting dress to holiday parties and dinners. You won’t be able to get away with stuffing yourself if you aren’t wearing the buffet pants! Also this is a great indicator if they are starting to feel a little snug that is is time to ease off those cupcakes stat!
3. Go Home Alone
Without treats that is. Just say no to bringing home leftovers and leave all the treats at the office. It’s ok to indulge if you are out somewhere special, just make your home a “no treat” zone and you will save yourself a lot of calories and guilt!
4. Always have a Perfect Plate
Keep your plate balanced by filling it with 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein and 1/4 carbs (that includes desserts – not they do not deserve a plate of their own!) Don’t overstuff your plate, just take what you really want, and never have seconds. You’ll be perfectly satisfied and won’t leave the table feeling like an over-stuffed turkey!
5. Be the Designated Driver
Cutting down on booze saves a ton of calories. Festive bevvies pack in a ton of calories – 1 rum and eggnog will cost you an insane 470 calories, and holiday punch can pack a huge punch at about 250 calories a cup. Plus you won’t start mindlessly munching on goodies if you’re not too tipsy to care! Sipping on sparking water with lemon and making sure your friends get home safely will have a huge impact on how you look and feel.
If you slip up and overindulge one day, forget the guilt as this usually leads to more guilt which in turn becomes emotional eating and well we all know that when you are feeling blue you are not reaching for the carrot sticks! So get back on the healthy eating bandwagon and know, it’s not one meal that gets you into trouble, it’s forgetting all about health and eating everything in sight for that can leave you 10 pounds heavier by New Year.
So follow these simple steps and end the holidays in the same pants as your started them in!
Amanda Quinn is Co Founder / Head Chick of FIT CHICKS, a Canadian based women’s only fitness company.  FIT CHICKS offers 8 week bootcamp programs at over 35 locations across Canada as well as fitness / nutrition challenges, workshops and recently launched FIT CHICKS Gear, a line of workout clothing for women. She is Certified Personal Trainer with Canfit Pro, Certified Ashtanga yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance as well as a Level 1 Kickboxing Instructor. Amanda is also a regular contributor and fitness blogger at www.fitchicksblog.com
For all locations and more info  FIT CHICKS, please visit www.fitchicks.ca or call 1-877- F1- CHICK

Got any tips of your own?  Add them here!!

Moksha Yoga: What doesn’t make you Vomit makes you Namaste?


That's totally NOT what I look like when I do yoga

What is Moksha Yoga?  Well, it”s a series of yoga poses practiced in a 100 degree  room.  Its also known as Hot Yoga, but that term also includes Bikram Yoga, and those places who say its Hot Yoga but they just put a space heater on.  Moksha Yoga is heated by radiant panels in the ceiling. There are also blessed ceiling fans for cooling the place down when the instructor thinks someone is going to pass out.  Basically, its hot and its yoga.

A lot of people go to Moksha Yoga to get a Zen and peace-be-with-you vibe.  I started going for a few reasons (none of which I think count as Zen)

1. To lose my blobby bits (that’s pure Bridget Jones) and wear Lululemon legitimately.

2. Because I’m completely uncoordinated and I sort of don’t suck at yoga as much as I do at other sports

3. Because of the heat,  I heard it makes you lose weight without really trying (1000 calories/hr?!?!) , and essentially I’m extremely lazy

4. They opened one near my house and they had a special. (Who doesn’t like a special?)

5.  My bff said it made her skin glow and look younger.

This is what I really found:

1.    My blobby bits are definitely getting firmer. They might be getting smaller if I would stop eating potato chips as a nice light, pre-yoga snack. And I have bought several lululemon outfits that are rather flattering and gorgeous.

2.  I’m getting pretty good at it. Today, I didn’t fall over once. The teacher told me I rocked it, and I didn’t feel like my legs were going to catch on fire. I do have to clarify my skill by saying that Moksha itself doesn’t usually include headstands, or those poses where you levitate upside down on one finger.  That’s Ashtanga.  I tried an Ashtanga class. We’ll talk about that later.

3.  It might burn that many calories, but to get there, it’s hard, sweaty, hard work.  There’s nothing easy about it.  Unfortunately, during this hard sweaty work, some of the men who are namaste-ing think its a grand idea to do their yoga SHIRTLESS.  Umm, I know you think that’s gross , but actually, its even grosser than you can even imagine. If I have to look at it, so should you have a picture painted:  they start their yoga and they’re already sweaty cuz they’re guys. Then, the sweat just starts pouring  off their sweaty bodies.  There’s nothing, like a shirt, to catch the sweat.  So its just starts dropping to their towel, the mat, wherever. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, they’re wearing short shorts. That’s even more special.  I actually tried Bikram a few years ago, but never went back because there was a guy doing it in his underwear.  What makes anyone think thats ok? (By the way, my guy friend who goes to yoga says that these same guys walk around the changeroom NAKED and try to talk to him.  Naked sweaty talking-definitely not COOL)

4.  It was a great deal.  I am getting my money’s worth.  Now that I’ve actually started going.  When I first joined, I started taking classes, then I was too lazy to go for a month, then I went a couple of times, then I slept in, then I travelled for business (you get the drift).  I was following a pattern.  Then, I set my self the goal that I would go whenever I didn’t have anything else (actual activity, not procrastinatory) to do.  And that seems to have worked.  I’m currently on Day 4 of a 14 day challenge.  How do I force myself to go?   I’m not actually sure. This has never happened before.

5.  I don’t think I am glowing or that I look younger.  But, really, who cares.  (Well everyone)

The cycle of Moksha goes like this.  Before the class, I want to go, then I don’t want to go, then I’m too tired to go, then I tell 3 people I’m going so I have to go, then I offer to drive someone there so I have to go. 

I’m in the class.  Partway through, I can’t decide if I want to die or vomit, especially when we do Pretzel (a much better name than Eagle pose).  

Pretzel (aka Eagle pose) and a sweaty guy

Then, we do Warrior pose which makes me feel like Sheena Queen of the Jungle.  Dancer pose makes me feel as graceful as can be (except when I fall over flat on my face).  I’m energized by the midway  ‘nap’ pose (Savasana to you plebes), but occasionally feel nauseous when someone takes ‘Wind Release’ pose seriously.  Usually, I complete the floor poses with confidence and strength (partly because I’m not standing up anymore and there’s an awful lot of ‘now lay your head down and take a rest’. )

'Nap pose' otherwise known as Savasana

 After the class I stride out like a real pro, totally addicted to the restful high the Moksha creates.

So, do I love it? Yes.  Have I vomited yet?  Nooope.  And, actually, I must confess, I am getting a bit Zen.  Its scaring me.  I even blessed my third eye today (don’t ask).

XBOX360 Kinect: Even Fun for Klutzy Mommies

XBOX 360 Kinect

I am very uncoordinated. This is no shocker to anyone who’s seen me fall over while standing still.  There is no sport that I do not suck at.

When I used to play baseball as a child, I would volunteer for outfield and pray no one would hit the ball in my direction.  Then, as the ball would come at me, I would hold the glove over my head. And pray some more. And then, I would run. My head was a ball magnet, I knew that. And if I stayed put, I’d end up on the ground.

Forget skating.  Have you ever heard the expression, ‘hugging the boards?’ Have you ever seen anyone skate on their butt?  Lace me up and that’s what you’d get.  My parents tried expensive skates, lessons, the whole shebang.  Same with skiing.  Probably the worst skiier in history, I got scared and didn’t get off the chair lift, skii’d into a forest, and actually ran right  OVER  someone who had fallen down.  A danger to myself and others,my ski career ended at age 13.

At the gym, I’ve gone flying off the treadmill, dropped weights on my feet, and actually fallen off the step in a step class. The upside?  Being so untalented has enabled me to engage in athletic pursuits without any competitive spirit.  I know I’m going to be, at best, mediocre, so I just give whatever activity a shot and have a good time in the process.

I was very excited to be included in the Yummy Mummy Club‘s event to try out the XBOX 360 Kinect .  An exclusive night out, downtown, with a bunch of women, trying a video game?  Well, the last one, while I’m always into trying new things, wasn’t my biggest motivator.  Why?  There’s only one thing that I’m worse at than sports. And its video gaming.  Even when I play RockBand, I’m only allowed to do the singing part.  And, I couldn’t even manage Wii Fit.  In fact, I couldn’t even figure out how to to turn on the machine. So I sold it to my brother.

Anyways, back to the story, I put on my Lululemon pants, and Reebok Easy-Tones, had a delicious smoothie and some sushi courtesy of Rose Reisman Catering, and squatted and jumped through a warmup by YMC’s Sweaty Mummy Dara Duff-Bergeron.

Then, the good times  started roll.  The XBOX 360 Kinect is a motion sensor driven video game experience. XBOX bills it as ‘full body gaming’.  There are no controllers.  There are no boards to fall off of.  The doo-hicky that is the Kinect somehow in magic land projects your Avatar onto the TV screen, and mimics your every (clumsy) move.  It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.  And the goal is to get more moving than the thumbs, turning video games into an active, participatory activity.  Now that’s a fantastic idea.

What game did we tryYour Shape: Fitness Evolved by Ubisoft.  There are others, and probably more to come.  But this game was amazing for us Mom.  Who doesn’t want to get all sleek and hot whilst hogging the XBOX from the kids?

Courtesy of 'The Star" XBOX 360 Team Playing

Want. Need. Have.  These were words that came to mind as I boxed and kicked and balanced blocks.  Then I did some kind-of dance step meets hopping thingy, and shook my hips in a hula-hooped game.  My points scores were low, by the fun factor was extremely high. There was also a personal trainer module which we did not use, and a fitness class activity that I did try, where I learned that I suck at Tai Chi as much as skill games.

So, what can I say?  I’m sore. My back hurts, my legs hurt.  I sweated and got a workout.  Definitely a ‘worthy’ purchase, this Kinect.  Put it on your list, check it twice, and failing anything else, go buy one for yourself.