Tuesdays. A Short Story (by my son) Part 2

I know your waiting with bated breath to find out what happened with Mackenzie, the Zombies, and our hero, the boy who hates Tuesdays. So, without further ado, here’s the rest of the story.


The Zombie Diner (zombieslash.com)


‘What are you doing here, Mackenzie?” 

“I…I was eating here…it tried to bite me.”  She managed to get out between her sobs.

“Do you know what’s going on?” I questioned her again.

She didnt know. And it didn’t matter.  The immediate problem was the bloodthirsty zombie right outside the door.  It was starting to bang on the door.  It knew were in this tiny bathroom.  I went into one of the stalls and found a plunger that was sitting next to the toilet.  It would have to do.

I kicked open the door like a bad-ass and shoved the plunger on the zombie’s mismatched face.  He stumbled back as I grabbed Mackenzie and made a break for the back door.  the zombie ripped the plunger off and started after us, but we got to the door before he got to us, and smashed it in his face.  Then, we heard a splash through the diner wall as the zombie retreated

‘How did you find me?” she asked.

“I wasn’t looking for you.  I came to get some food and I saw…it.”

“Well, thank goodness that you did.  I didn’t know what I was going to do.”  She was grabbing onto my arm now.  Her head was on my shoulder.  I remembered when we were going out;  all those nights, falling asleep on the couch in exactly this position.  The good old days (last Saturday).  It almost made me forget about everything that was going on.

It was still dark out.  Fog was also entering the diner and it was getting chilly.  We agreed to try and make our way back to her house and on the way, see if we could find anyone else.  The more people together, the better, we thought.

Suddenly, we heard a scream.  the voice sounded like a girl, and not far away from where we were walking.  The door of a nearby house swung open as three zombies made their way out. 

“Stand completely still,” I told Mackenzie.  “Maybe they won’t see us.”

But, they did.  The first one caught sight of us and starting wobbling towards us.  the others followed suit.  We ran back in the direction of the diner.  As we got closer, I realized what the liquid on was on the floor when I first walked in.  It wasn’t water.  It was blood.

A shudder ran through my spine and I stoppped.

“What’s wrong?”  Let’s keep going!  ” Mackenzie yelled back at me.  I shrugged it off and caught up to her.  We entered the diner once again.  There was an eerie feel to it this time.  It was too quiety.  The only sound was our legs moving through the blood on the ground. 

Right then, the three zombies that had been chasing us barged through the door.  I had forgotten about them for one second.  One second that was too long.  They came into the restaurant in a triangle formation. 

“Weird’, I thought to myself. 

The middle one held up its index finger, and in the most unsettling, bloocurdling voice that you could possibly imagine, said, “Only one.”

I instantly knew what he meant.  He only wanted one of us. 

“I’ll go.  I have nothing left to live for, Mackenzie.  You were everything I had.  Now I have nothing. I wouldn’t want to live anyway, without you.”  It was what I had to do.  I stepped forward with my arms up, ready for anything they were going to give me.

The left zombie hopped over me and the firght one pushed me over as they both mad a beeline for Mackenzie. 

“Nooo!”  I screamed.  They were going after her, not me.  I jumped up, coverrd in blood from the floor, and ran to where she was backed into a corner with the three zombies drooling over her, ready for the kill.  This couldn’t be happening.  I grabbed the chair beside me and smashed it over the first zombie’s head.  I jumped on the second one’s back as the third sank his teeth into my neck.  It may have been the end of me, but I had saved her-my Mackenzie.

As I fell to the floor, I caught a glimpse of the zombie walking away, and Mackenzie sobbing in the corner.  She wuld be alright.  It was worth it.

Never say that nothing happens on Tuesdays.  I hate Tuesdays.

I hate Tuesdays

Tuesdays. A Short Story (by my son) Part 1

My Dad always said I shouldn’t over-promote my kids.  I say, Why the heck not!?!!?!  Here’s an original Short Story by my middle spawn, fondly known as Bubba.

(He’s now mortified that I posted it, but completely flattered at the same time. And people…that’s how you parent. Embarrass then praise;  horrify, then glorify.)


Sunday, January 31st, the day I fell in love.  Monday, February 28th, the day my heart was broken.  Tuesday, March 1st, the day I died.  They say that the best day to go get your drivers licence is on a Tuesday.  This is because they say that Tuesdays are the least busy days of the week and nothing happens on Tuesdays.  I beg to differ.  Let me elaborate.

I don’t know why I did it, but something inside me pulled me to the phone to give Mackenzie a call.  It was the day after she had told me that she wanted an ‘Alpha Male’ and that I was a ‘Beta Male’.  It didn’t make sense to me;  what classifies an ‘Alpha Male’?  Im decent at sports, adept in musical arts, what else could she want?  Anyways, she neglected to answer the phone, and I know that she declined the call because it only rang twice before I lost connection.  I decided that it would be good for me to get out, so I proceeded to a diner to get something to eat and get my mind off things.  It was two o’clock in the afternoon, but dark as a dungeon. 

Oh yeah, I forgot to meniton that I am currently a citizen of Juneau, Alaska.  Here in Juneau, sometimes we don’t get much sun.  At this time of year, its dark most of the time.  I don’t mind it much.  I love lividng up here, although I don’t know anyone and its only been two months since I moved here.  I moved to Alaska for her.  Mackenzie.

I got to the diner and it looked empty to me.  But, the sign said ‘OPEN’ so I walked in.  As soon as I did, I regretted it.  Water rushed out of the door, engulfing my ankles in liquid.  There must have been a leak, I thought, and looking back on it now, what a stupid thought.

What happened next was the biggest mistake of my life.  If I could take anything back, it would be walking into that diner.  If only I could remember the name of the diner, I would sue them for my death.

So, why did I go in?  I figured that if I could get to the telphone behind the counter, I could just call the owners and inform them about the leak, especially since I was already wet.  No need for me and them to both be wet, right?  Thinking back, I wonder, “What was I such a good guy?”

I started trudging through the water, and was about three metres in when I stubbed my toe on a lump in the water.  Bending down to pick it up, I realized that it wasn’t an overturned chair or a coat left from a previous customer.  It was a body.

I was completely freaked out.

“What happened here?” I whispered to myself.

At that, the body, which I had assumed was deceased, sprung up from the floor and grabbed me by the forearm.  I yanked my arm away and ran, as fast as I could, through ankle deep water, and right to the door. 

But the door was somehow stuck closed and wouldn’t open.  The pressure from the water was preventing the hinges from letting the door move.  The next closest place to go was the bathroom.  The body was making its way toward me.  Not very fast, but it was still coming.

‘What are you doing?”  I asked him.

No response.  I started to freak out.  The night before I had watched a horror movie, and I was 99% sure that this man was not a man.  It was a zombie. 

The bathroom door swung open and I sped in, slamming it sharply behind me.  I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.  I looked in the mirror and washed my face.  This situation was so weird. 

As I turned to the left, I caught sight of a girl just huddled in the corner crying.  She had been sitting there silently since I walked in.  It was Mackenzie. 

Tuesdays with Zombies

Stay tuned…. for the riveting next installment of  TUESDAYS