Shaking Our Groove Thing for Princess Margaret Hospital

Twitter. Pinterest. Blogging. Facebook. Some may call them time suckers. Others a fabulous hobby.  Still others an incredibly effective communication channel.  I call them all of the above, but plus also just plain fun.

Here’s the thing.  To me, philanthropy is just groovy.  It feels really great, for me at least, to do for others just because I can. It doesn’t always have to be money related, though.  Sometimes an opportunity presents itself to take what I love like tweeting, and direct my energies for the greater good

That’s what I’m doing this weekend.  I’m Live Tweeting The Dance to Conquer Cancer in support of Princess Margaret Hospital.

The Dance to Conquer Cancer

I’ve been touched by Cancer in so many ways. My niece is a Cancer Survivor, my father died of Liver Cancer, my Grandmother died of Breast Cancer.

One of my oldest friends is fighting a rare Adrenal cancer right now.  And, she’s being treated at Princess Margaret Hospital. At PMH, they treat my friend with kindness, respect and empathy. There are nurses there who make her chemo more tolerable, if not enjoyable. She feels welcome there, like everyone wants to help her. There are resources like Look Good Feel Better available to help her mitigate the side effects of her treatment.  Because of the research funds available, the doctors are looking for ways to find new ways to treat rare cancers like hers.

Sure, Dance to Conquer Cancer is going to be fun. Probably the most fun tweeting I’ve ever.  I mean, there’s a DANCE-A-THON featuring Richard Simmons (how cool is that), and Blake McGrath (I’m totally obsessed with So You Can Think You Can Dance ).  There’s a fabulous dinner, MORE dancing, and an evening performance by Gloria Gaynor.

I mean, what better anthem is there for a party who’s goal is to kick Cancer’s butt to the street?

But, the best part of the whole thing, besides the beauty bar where ladies can get hair and makeup touchups, a shopping auction and a Tassimo Coffee station, (this party is getting better and better, come to think of it), is that my DAUGHTER will be on-stage dancing the day and night away as part of the entertainment.

My girl, who I’m so proud of, works for Magen Boys Entertainment. They’re spinning the tunes and shaking their money makers to keep the party-goers energized and boogying for hours.  I’m so happy that Skylar will be able to see the greatness of selflessness and how amazing it feels to use your gift to help others.

Keep your eye out for pictures from the party next week. I’m going to go practice my moves right now, although according to daughter, I’m forbidden from dancing.

For more info about the event:

Twitter: @DiscoDays1

Please visit the Princess Margaret Hospital website for more information about the great things they’re doing.

And if you’re coming to the party, I’ll be the one Tweeting in sequins. Or, maybe not.  

I’m Changing My Life… in 21 Days

So, while Operation Housewife may not be the favourite thing I’ve ever done in my life, equatable only with cleaning out the basement and standing in line for airport security, I realize that my last post was a bit whiney and self-indulgent.  I’m a grown up lady (well for all intents and purposes) and I can certainly do laundry and household chores and/or direct the troops teenagers to do my work for me.

I received my monthly subscription to Chatelaine Magazine a few days ago, and the main headline really caught my eye

Chatelaine Magazine, January 201

REFRESH!! It says. CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 21 DAYS!  It says.  I could use some refreshing.  And, I could use some changing (I mean, who couldn’t?)  I want to get more energy, sleep more, and stress less.  Therefore, I decided to CHANGE MY LIFE IN 21 DAYS.  And, since I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because nobody ever keeps them and its one more thing to feel guilty about or beat ourselves up about, I decided to start my 21 days NOW!  On December 14th.

Everyday, I’ll be posting a short video or blog post talking about that days ‘change’.  So, enjoy day 1!

I’d LOVE you to join in on this challenge so put your blog URL in the comments.

I can’t use a linky tool since I’m on the free which often doesn’t feel free but mostly feels like a burden.

Maybe that’s one of the ways I should change my life…hmmm. Self Hosting…Day 22.

Guest Post: Michelle Duggar: She scares me….really.

I’m loving all of my guest posts!! This particular one was on my request.  I am fascinated by Michelle Duggar, and more particularly her lady bits.  I wanted to know what having 20 babies would do to a woman’s pelvic floor.  So I went to my favourite pelvic floor expert, Samantha Montpetit-Huynh for some answers, and asked her to share her thoughts on the state of Mrs. Duggar’s privates.  What I actually asked was whether she thought Michelle Duggar was actually having twins, but was storing  the extra baby up there for a spare (ya know, like a Kangaroo), or if her cervix is now so stretched out that she can use it to keep the potatoes fresh for dinner time.  Samantha had these answers for me.  I enjoyed them, and I hope you do too!!

So I was in my car driving to my client’s house when I heard the announcement on the radio; “ The infamous Duggar clan is expecting their 20th child”. Unbeknownst to me I yelled out “WHAT?!!”, then quickly looked around as I forgot that I was at a red light and had my window down.

Wow…that pretty much sums it up. She’s a trouper – that’s a very kind description. No, she’s an amazon, God, warrior of (literally) a tribe! There are days when I want to run away – far away from my children and there are only 2!! When you’re living with 20, how are you even able to take (what my husband eloquently refers to as a dump), never mind have the 5 minutes to be alone with your partner, and then have sex??

As I’m sure the Duggar’s place is probably locked down like Fort Knox, clearly there are no “locks” where she needs it!! Or maybe she’s just hiding one in there like a spare so if they ever get “bored”, SHAZZAM! Sigh.

All joking aside, I really am not one to judge. Like I’m sure 90% of the world population is saying “better her than me”. They’re are devout Christians and although I don’t have a religious bone in my body, I respect other people’s beliefs and how they wish to live their lives.

However….being an exercise expert who specializes in exercise in pregnancy and postpartum, I can not even imagine (I cringe) at the mere thought of (never mind her abs – I’m sure she’s so over it), but what the heck is she doing to her pelvic floor?? If the average woman experiences some degree of pelvic floor damage after a vaginal delivery from their 1st child, what are the “stats” after 20?? Ok crossing my legs now.

But I guess by this point, after you have 3, why not have 17 more???? And that pelvic floor is so tapped, she probably burps and the doctor just stands back and waits with a catcher’s mitt. It will be interesting to see if she’s the next spokesperson for Depends or on the other hand, she could develop the next pelvic floor exercise video and give Dr. Arnold Kegel a run for his money.

A girl can dream, can’t she??

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh is the mother of two beautiful girls and the founder of Core Expectations, Toronto’s only full service team that delivers personal training, abdominal rehabilitation and other support services to the homes and offices of pregnant women and new moms across the GTA.

Core Expectations: Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

Top Five Holiday Calorie Savers: Chick Style

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain (source: Hive Health


I’ve been very busy writing my NaNoWriMo booklet, or pretending to and going out for lunch etc instead.  (Just in case you were wondering, that large cash prize hasn’t arrived yet.)

So, in the spirit of not neglecting my blog, I begged solicited for guest bloggers.

I was lucky to that Amanda from Fit Chicks offered to write up some healthy tips as the holidays approach. Between American Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas, we can all use some excellent advice.  No one wants to use their holiday dollars on larger pants, that’s for sure!!  I totally agree with all of her points, but I’m definitely on the fence about #5.  But, I’ll consider it. We’ll see how annoying my family is.

So, without further ado:

There is so much temptation around the holidays, with delish treats and sweet cocktails everywhere you feel like you are constantly testing your willpower – and lets be honest you really are. I mean you run into the host who tells you to “clean your plate” or is piling on the seconds before you are even done your first helping. Or the sabotaging co-worker that brings you a “special” treat daily to bring on the cheer or even worse the feeling that just one chocolate wont kill you – but how many of us can really just eat one?
Here are 5 healthy tips to incorporate into your holidays so you can indulge sensibly (aka eat your treats!) without piling on the pounds!
1. Cut the Christmas Coffees
Seems every coffee shop has holiday themed bevvies like Egg Nog Lattes and Candy Cane Hot Chocolates – these can add huge calories to your day without filling you up! (A Starbucks grande egg nog latte has a whopping 470 calories!) Skip these and instead opt for zero-calorie yummy festive herbal teas like chocolate peppermint and gingerbread instead.
2. Look HOT for the Holidays
Wear your sexy skinny jeans or a form fitting dress to holiday parties and dinners. You won’t be able to get away with stuffing yourself if you aren’t wearing the buffet pants! Also this is a great indicator if they are starting to feel a little snug that is is time to ease off those cupcakes stat!
3. Go Home Alone
Without treats that is. Just say no to bringing home leftovers and leave all the treats at the office. It’s ok to indulge if you are out somewhere special, just make your home a “no treat” zone and you will save yourself a lot of calories and guilt!
4. Always have a Perfect Plate
Keep your plate balanced by filling it with 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein and 1/4 carbs (that includes desserts – not they do not deserve a plate of their own!) Don’t overstuff your plate, just take what you really want, and never have seconds. You’ll be perfectly satisfied and won’t leave the table feeling like an over-stuffed turkey!
5. Be the Designated Driver
Cutting down on booze saves a ton of calories. Festive bevvies pack in a ton of calories – 1 rum and eggnog will cost you an insane 470 calories, and holiday punch can pack a huge punch at about 250 calories a cup. Plus you won’t start mindlessly munching on goodies if you’re not too tipsy to care! Sipping on sparking water with lemon and making sure your friends get home safely will have a huge impact on how you look and feel.
If you slip up and overindulge one day, forget the guilt as this usually leads to more guilt which in turn becomes emotional eating and well we all know that when you are feeling blue you are not reaching for the carrot sticks! So get back on the healthy eating bandwagon and know, it’s not one meal that gets you into trouble, it’s forgetting all about health and eating everything in sight for that can leave you 10 pounds heavier by New Year.
So follow these simple steps and end the holidays in the same pants as your started them in!
Amanda Quinn is Co Founder / Head Chick of FIT CHICKS, a Canadian based women’s only fitness company.  FIT CHICKS offers 8 week bootcamp programs at over 35 locations across Canada as well as fitness / nutrition challenges, workshops and recently launched FIT CHICKS Gear, a line of workout clothing for women. She is Certified Personal Trainer with Canfit Pro, Certified Ashtanga yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance as well as a Level 1 Kickboxing Instructor. Amanda is also a regular contributor and fitness blogger at
For all locations and more info  FIT CHICKS, please visit or call 1-877- F1- CHICK

Got any tips of your own?  Add them here!!

Guest Post: Feel Good Fridays

Susie Sunshine source:

I’d like to direct your attention to my friend Kristin’s blog  She writes about healthy living, happiness, and feeling great.  They’re all interconnected, apparently.  I really like Kristin because she’s a real person (you know what I mean).  And even though she’s pretty granola (or muesli, natch), she still likes me.  I mean, I recycle and such, and I try and feed my family the healthiest foods they’ll tolerate, but I’m still a princess.  For example, read how I got a nanny over at my column on  

Kristin runs a weekly feature called FEEL GOOD FRIDAYS.  After I wrote my two posts about Things I cannot Change and Tooting my Own Horn, Kristin asked me to write her a post about FEELING GOOD.  Instead, what I wrote about was that sometimes I just feel crappy.  But she published it anyways. Because, apparently, admitting that its ok to feel crappy is actually a FEEL GOOD sentiment.   So, go on over to Feel Good Fridays:  The Susie Sunshine Edition.

Come again, ya’ll!!

What’s the Real Definition of Tiger Mother?


a real Tiger Mom



A while ago this woman got a book published. She called herself the ‘Tiger Mother’. Her idea of mothering was to over program and micro manage her children into achievement. I didn’t buy her book because the thought of wee kids being subjected to the kind of pressure I would cringe at as an adult made me…well…cringe.   But, it got me thinking about how I would define a Tiger Mother, and whether I thought I was one or not.

My definition of a Tiger Mother, before all the hoopla about this book included:

  • over protective mothers interfering in their children’s’ lives and heading up parents’ councils to get the best teachers;
  • running the bake sales, controlling the dance school, and getting kicked out for aggression at rep hockey; 
  • Knowing how to use a rectal thermometer (gross), remembering to sign permission forms, not continually losing the family number for the community centre (and remembering to sign the kids up for their lessons in the first place), and making organic rice milk nut-free lactose free wheat free sugar free birthday cupcakes. 

None of those described me.  I was relaxed; I let my kids be.  I tried not to  pressure them (except a bit academically and that’s only because I wanted them to make money and buy me a condo in Florida when I’m old), and encouraged them to ‘do their best’ and ‘be their best selves’. 

I let them ride their bikes to their friends houses to the park and all around, and thus got them cell phones at age 10 so I could track them while they were doing that (fine, that’s a little overprotective). 

I was easygoing, yet they knew I meant business.  I believed in giving them some freedom to make mistakes as long as they didn’t lie, and learned from those mistakes. 

My junk cupboard was legendary (but so was my fruits and vegetables drawer) , and I only snuck whole grain pasta into the pot sometimes.  Once in a while, they were allowed a case of Tuesday-itis, and if they felt like pyjama’ing all day, well so be it. 

Pretty much,  not the definition of a TIGER mother, by anyone’s standards, right? Well, recently, the TIGER awoke in me.  I became a crazy, overprotective, domineering, pushy Tiger Mother. What turned me into that person I swore I’d never be?  A sick teenager and an incompetent hospital experience, that’s what.

Last month, my daughter was sick.  The clinic thought it was her Appendix and sent us to the hospital.  Thinking it was a simple diagnosis, I went to York Central Hospital, our local health ’care’ facility.  This place is fondly known as ‘Death Central’. Turns out she didn’t have Appendicitis.  But she also didn’t have the illness they misdiagnosed her with (ovarian cysts) on two separate visits, nor did she need the narcotic pain killer the rushed doctor prescribed, or the sloppy, haphazard  care that she did receive.

Believing that the hospital and physicians knew best, I didn’t demand, didn’t ask;  I was acquiescent, the relaxed mother I endeavour to be.  When they sent us home while she was having a reaction to morphine, and I had to roll her out in a wheelchair, I was seething inside. But still, I didn’t do anything.  My Tiger was still asleep.

Then, I took her to Sick Kids Hospital, and I saw what health care is meant to be and should be.  She was treated with respect, compassion, and attentiveness.  Plus, these professionals wouldn’t rest until they figured out the puzzle that was her illness. 

I started to feel the TIGER awaken when I thought about the two weeks my daughter suffered because the doctor at York Central was ‘really good at moving the patients through’ (Quote from the nurse).  When Sick Kids told me they found no evidence of Ovarian cysts in her tests, the Tiger started to stretch,  and when my paediatrician’s eyes widened when I told him that York Central prescribed PERCOCET to a TEENAGER for abdominal pain, the Tiger began to growl.

My Tiger Mother roars

So, what did I do, now that I had channeled one of those crazy, overprotective, domineering, pushy Tiger Mothers I generally scoffed atWell, besides nagging my daughter incessantly to do all the things that would make her better I called PATIENT RELATIONS at York Central Hospital, and lodged a complaint.  AndI’m looking for follow-through.  My Tiger has begun to ROAR, and won’t quieten until someone tells me ‘Yes, we made a mistake.  We will do better.  Your child deserved better. ‘

Presently, my daughter is on the mend, the hospital has committed to mending their ways (Ya Right) and my TIGER seems to be going down for a nap.  So, I start to ponder the many definitions of  TIGER MOTHER.  Wasn’t I really a TIGER MOTHER all along, just my own kind?  Should I (or anyone) judge the author who says her kind of mother makes the most successful kids (maybe a bit-I think her kids will need therapy, but that’s just my opinion), if we don’t want her to judge my or your way of mothering?    Aren’t we all  TIGER MOTHERS at one time or another? 

So, let me ask you:  What does your TIGER MOTHER look like?

Read my thoughts about the hospital’s performance here, on Books and Brands:  Is Health Care a Brand?  An Editorial