I’ve Been Dumped for a New Model

someecards.com - Thanks for dumping me. I'm off to the tropics.

My husband has dumped me for a new girl.  And I’m thrilled.

He can’t wait to see her, and rushes home early from work to climb on her back.   He likes to polish her chrome and caress her till all hours of the night.

He’s been buying her gifts, and dresses up in fancy leather jackets just for her.

He even asked me to take a picture of them together.  The nerve.

my husband sitting on his new true love, his motorcycle

My husband and his lover

You’re thinking Midlife Crisis.  Well, that would make sense, except that this isn’t the first time he’s had one of those.  He’s had a 1/3 life crisis, a five years after that crisis, and now this one.

We’ve been through guitar lessons, professional photography, kite boarding, running and cycling.  Usually, if I humour him, his interests seem to burn themselves out pretty quickly, even though they quickly drain our (not) disposable income.

This is the second time the motorcycle, or as I like to call it, ‘my road to riches from insurance money’, has entered the equation.  The first time I was able to nag talk him out of riding the hog  This time, not so much.  Maybe I’m losing my touch.  Because while I didn’t actually give my blessing, I protested the bike in such a milquetoasty way that he chose to interpret my apathy as acquiescence.

Anyways, there really are more pros than cons to this motorcycling, when I look at it from my perspective (isn’t it always about me?).

And, since obviously, I’m going to have to ride this one out (get it?) I’m  look over the rainbow reflecting off the Zayde’s Angels Patch he’s sporting on the back of his jacket, and straight into ‘how does this thing benefit me’ land.

The cons:

  1. Its really dangerous.
  2. He’ll be gone a lot on the weekends (oh, wait, that might be a pro)
  3. Its expensive (oh wait, that might be a pro also)

The Pros:

  1. He’ll be having a lot of ‘HE’ time.  I won’t have to feel guilty when I want to go to yoga, or get manicures or go shopping for hours or merely hang at the BFF’s.
  2. He’ll be having a lot of  ‘HE’ time and will be feeling guilty about it (because I will make him), and will thus have to make it up to me.
  3. He bought himself a motorcycle.  That covers the next 40 years of birthdays, anniversaries, and Fathers Days.
  4. He bought himself a motorcycle.  He cannot object to anything I want to buy myself for the next 40 years or so.
  5. Since he’ll be riding his motorcycle, the daughter will no longer nag me for my car, and I won’t be trapped at home.
  6. Since he’s got himself a solitary totally narcissistic hobby called the motorcycle, he cannot harass me about mine, which is Twitter.
  7. This motorcycle give me eternal AMMUNITION.  ‘You bought a motorcycle..so…’

See, way more Pros than Cons. That’s how our marriage rolls.  Give and take. And manipulation.

Sayonara Easy Rider, I’m off to the Spa.

I’m a One Woman Gal. Sort of Like a Gibbon.

women and friendships, best friends

Are you a best friend kind of person?  I am.  My whole life I’ve had a best friend.  Not always the same one, but always there’s been that one special person.  Or, as they Meredith and Yang say on Grey’s Anatomy, my person.  I’ve had best friends that were boys, but those don’t seem to last (can men and women really be friends?).

A lot of people have the same person since childhood.  Some just grow apart, and others have had best friend break ups. I’ve had both. But, with my current BFF, now I’m set for life.

My best friend from Grade 1 to Grade 3 was named Lisa.  You can read her book if you want. She lived across the street from me, and we went to the same school.  We did everything together, from playing Mother May I to Barbie Camper.  There was a bump in the road when she and my brother decided to go in the basement and be boyfriend and girlfriend, indulging in a prepubescent game of Playboy Photographer, but we got through it.  We both were devastated when her parents decided to move her family to California.  We exchanged letters for a while, but being that I’m a total procrastinator and also rather forgetful and not the best complier, I forgot to write her back.  Luckily, after stalking her on the internet for months, I found her on Facebook and if we ever see each other face-to-face, well, lets just say, the reunion could prove to be epic.

I had other best friends through the years.  For years after Lisa left, I was tossed between two sisters who were a year apart .  Our school had split grades, so one year I’d be the older one’s friend, the next the younger ones. We stayed friends till high school…but again…my keeping in touch skills being less than stellar, we lost touch.  We’re friends again, but not in the same way.

Throughout High School I had a few very close friends, some whom I spent most of my time with.  But, I had one bestie that ebbed and flowed from age 13 to my 30s.  When we were ON we did nearly everything together.  She was even present at the birth of two of my children.  How did our friendship stall? With her, it wasn’t a lack of staying in touch, but a disagreement that took on a life of its own.  Sometimes, friendship is like the Grand Canyon-so beautiful, but with chasms so deep they can never be repaired.  You may be able to build a superficial bridge out of Facebook Likes and coffee dates, but the distance just grows to great to shorten.

Do I have a Person now?  You betcha!  It took years to find just the right one.

She’s bossy and pushy and fun and stubborn.  She completes me, to the point where sometimes people think we’re sisters, and other times they think we’re each other.  We laugh together. A lot. That is, when she’s not telling me what to do. We have had huge fights-once we didn’t talk for six months.  it was horrible.

Sometimes I want to kill her, or she the same to me.  Mostly I don’t, but she does more often than I do.

We like to lie in her bed or on my couch drinking wine and making fun of people on TV.  My husband isn’t impressed with that particular activity as he doesn’t have a place in the proceedings.

The other night, after sharing a bottle or so of red wine on a school night, I wrote this list:

Why I love my Best Friend
We love all the same foods except I like movie popcorn and soup and she doesn’t.
We just laugh and laugh.  
She makes me go to yoga when I’m too lazy.
Sometimes she leaves her bra or her shoes at my house (don’t ask).
When her daughter marries my son we’ll actually be related.  He likes to be bossed around, just like me, so its perfect.
She has candy at her house.
She loves latino men and as such isn’t trying to steal Robert Downey Jr. from me.
She always sticks up for me, even when I’m wrong.  Then, she still has my back but gives me shit in private.
She makes fun of my husband on my behalf.
She always likes my status on Facebook, even though she doesn’t read my blog.  But, to be fair, its because she doesn’t actually  know how to use a computer.
At my advanced grownup-ness, why do I feel the need to have a Bestie, especially since I have a husband?  

My husband is awesome.  He’s there, always when I need him.  But he’s a fixer, not a listener.  He likes to give OPINIONS. He’ll tell me the actual right and wrongness of a situation, even when it’s me who screwed up .  Sometimes that’s not what I want to hear.  Girls listen, they sympathize, they soothe, they write cryptic, passive aggressive posts on Facebook to further your cause when you’ve been wronged.

A husband doesn’t do that.

A husband cannot be a girlfriend.

Life’s got lumps.  What you need is someone to smooth them out.  My friend’s greatest strength, (and occasionally her biggest downfall) is her incredible sense of loyalty.  Since I belong to her, she will go to the ends of the earth for me.   Plus, we have matching Wine Drinking T-shirts.  So, we’re sorta mated for life.  Like Gibbons.

Do you you have a best friend?

Brother, cheap airfare isn’t always a bargain

Interesting choice for in-travel entertainment

I am planning a trip next December to Israel for my son’s Bar Mitzvah.  My whole family is going.  When I say whole family, I mean mother, and stepfather, stepfather and his wife (can you call her a stepmother if she’s your first stepfather’s new wife?), brother with sister-in-law and their four kids, sister with brother-in-law and their boy, and of course my husband and my own three kids.

Its quite a posse.

My other sisters aren’t coming because one of them has four kids and can’t envision the trek to Israel with all of them, and another is going herself next June for my nephew’s Bar Mitzvah, but along with a group from her husband’s family.  My husband’s family isn’t coming for similar reasons (his sister, though has FIVE kids, and brother is going the December after.)

Are you confused?

My older brother is torn of whether or not to come.  He can’t decide. But, in a moment of boredom, he started researching flights and prices.

He excitedly called me

BB (big brother):  I’m not saying I’m coming, but I’m looking at some flights.

Me:  oh yea?

BB:  I can get an Alitalia flight with one stop for $3500 business class.

Me: Are you nuts?  You’e going to spend $13,000 on airfare?

BB:  Isn’t it more comfortable?  Oh wait.  Here’s one.  Aerosvit.  Business class is on sale for $1500.

Me:  Aerosvit?  Are you kidding?  Business class on Aerosvit probably means you get a seat instead of sitting in cargo.  I’ll bet the planes are 80 years old.

BB:  But, its business class.

Me:  Remember that airplane that crashed in Russia? That was probably Aerosvit.

BB:  Oh, come on!  It couldn’t be that bad, could it?

And then…he googled ‘Aerosvit Reviews’

This was the first review that that came up after http://www.airlineequlaity gave it one star:

Reviews of Aerosvit

As if that wasn’t enough, this traveller had some choice words to say on Lonely Planet:

Upon some reflection, he’s not flying Aerosvit.  Tempting as it sounds.

Do you have any funny travel stories?

I’m Sorry Dear, You Can’t Celebrate Singles Awareness Day

Poor cupid has shot himself in the heart

Today is the un-Valentines Day for me, otherwise known as Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D), or in my husband’s mind, ‘Just a regular day to nap with Space Channel in the background’.

According to UrbanDictionary.com:

February 14th: the day that every single man realizes “Damn, I forgot to get a girlfriend.” Usually the wiser of the men realize this days ahead based on the many pink and red hearts and fluffy overpriced things found as they go to purchase their beer, or perhaps whilst sitting on the couch enjoying the rerun of ‘Independence Day’ realizing that every other television advertisement contains the word ‘love’ or a suggestion to the holiday most refer to as “Valentine’s day.

How Valentines Day (S.A.D.) plays out in my house:

Weeks before…

Me: so, dear, love of my life, soulmate, heart-of-my-hearts, what are you getting me for Valentine’s Day?

Him: (grunt) Huh? Nothing. Why?

Me: No reason

Days Before….

Me: So, husband-of-19 years, changer of lightbulbs, putter inner of windshield washer fluid, long-suffering designated driver, what are we doing for Valentine’s Day?

Him: (grunt) Huh? Nothing. Why?

Me: no reason.

The day before Valentine’s Day.

Me: so, sperm donor, do I at least get a card and chocolate, maybe some flowers?

Him: (looks up from a Motorcycle magazine aka man-porn) If I get you chocolates you’ll complain for weeks that you shouldn’t have eaten them and then you’ll be mad at me.

Me: True. What about the other two?

Him: If I get you flowers, they’ll die. They’re a waste of money.

Me: Not true, faulty argument. But go on.

Him: If I buy you a card, all I’ll write in it is ‘Love Jack’ and then you’ll complain I’m not sensitive enough and don’t share my feelings.

Me: (thinking) Well, that is partially true, although I do usually give you props for trying. Even when you buy me cards that reference my bosoms, include language like ‘Humena Humena’ and have pictures of monkeys winking lasciviously, I truly appreciate the effort. Really, the only time I actually complained was when you got me a card from the Dollar Store with a Teddy bear holding balloons on it and reading, ‘To my friend on Valentines Day.’ You did not get any points for that one.

Him: I told you, I didn’t have my glasses. It looked cute all blurry. At least I got you a card…

Me: (Rolling my eyes) Remember the days when you’d meet me at the airport with a huge bouquet of flowers? And the time you got me diamond earrings for Valentines Day? And also when I was at work and you sent a cookie-gram, flowers, and balloons?

Him: (grimacing, and probably remembering what a sucker he was in the courting phase) I think so. (of course he’s admitting nothing)

Me: Well, I want that.

In all seriousness, I think we should show people we love them all the time, not just on the day that Hallmark made. That’s the secret to long-lasting relationships, be they marriages or even friendships. That, and the fact that you can’t like someone all the time. But, that’s another post.

But…flowers and maybe a something shiny would be nice…I mean, not mandatory, but…

someecards.com - When I married you, pyjamas, TV and a some loud snoring were exactly how I envisioned my Valentines Days

When Avatars are Like Beer Goggles

Beer Goggles

I’ve been thinking about Avatars. These days you need an Avi for everything.

  • Dating sites (not that I’m on any. After, all, I AM a married woman. No really. The lady doth not protest to much. I’m really NOT ON A DATING SITE. I’m NOT.  Stop looking at me like that.  I’m NOT).
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Linked in
  •  Gravatar
  • Your own blog

Usually, people spend hours, maybe days finding pictures of themselves that are so FABULOUS.  These carefully curated photos are selected because they look much better in them than they do in person.

The intention is for you to see their Avatars and think to yourself, ‘Boy, that’s someone I’d like to know/date/talk to.  What a friendly open countenance. Nice hair.’

And then, you meet the Avatar in real life and find that the person looks NOTHING LIKE THEIR PICTURE.  I know that misrepresentation is one of the perils of online friendship, but still…

Frankly, its extremely disconcerting to be at a party or event, and have someone come up to you, gives you a big hug, maybe even a gooby smooch and announce, ‘Hey YOU.  I’m SO glad to finally meet you!’  Only, you have no idea who they are. None at all. Blanks are drawn.

You stare at them blankly, *awkward* and open your mouth, ‘AAAAAAhhhh’, while trying to read their name tag, using stellar peripheral vision plus stunning subtlety and finesse.

‘I’m SO & So. We tweet/talk/message all the time!  Remember?!’  They giggle (hopefully ‘they’ is a girl, or else the giggling is a whole ‘nother problem that your weren’t prepared for.)

You look at them,  and while double-taking, nearly fail to restrain yourself from blurting out:

Say WHAT?  Your picture doesn’t show your lady-stache’

You recover, and smiling broadly say, ‘Oh yes! SO nice to finally meet you.  I’m not wearing my glasses.  My, you look just like your avatar!’

People are treating Avatars like virtual Beer Goggles.

What these non-avatar-lookalikes don’t realize is that just like the beer buzz wears off, eventually someone is going to meet them in person, and realize that they  don’t at all resemble their photos.

What would be smart, actually, is if when picking an Avatar, they used a reverse approach.  For example, if they posted pictures like these:

Then, when people would meet them in person, they would be pleasantly surprised.

Just as if they were wearing Avatar Goggles.  Only with name tags.  And Smartphones.

Just an observation.

My Ass is Like a Timex Watch.

Warning:  There is cussing in this post. A lot of cussing.  I’m not bleeping it out.

I’m a klutz.  It’s no big secret.  I mostly never actually break anything.

I’ve scraped my entire face, fallen up the stairs and torn all the ligaments in my foot, gone splat on the dance floor in the middle of several weddings and bar mitzvahs, and smashed my foot into a chair, breaking it, right before a Disney trip.  I’ve skiid into the forest and over someone who has fallen. I’ve nearly sliced my finger off on the rough edge of my trunk at camp, cut open my hand trying to serve watermelon, and almost halved my hand halving bagels.  We won’t even mention my driving including wrapping my car against a pole and hitting a stationary garbage truck.

However, its my ass that seems to be getting the brunt of my clumsiness.

About 9 years ago, I heard my cell phone ringing on my front hall table.  I went careening down the stairs to answer it, not knowing that the nanny had just washed the tile floors.  This was me.  I saw tweety bird.

I saw tweety birds

My ass was broken. Well, actually my Coccyx.  I couldn’t lay flat on my back for a month. Fun.

A few years later, I was dancing at a Bar Mitzvah, and my best friend thought it would be fun to do the bump.  You know, like from disco? Except she didn’t know her strength and sent me flying, in my Steve Madden Stilettos and skin tight skinny jeans across the dance floor, where I skidded to a stop, landing hard on my ass (coccyx, tailbone). Again. Just bruised this time, but still. Ouch. Super Ouch. I took to my bed.

Fast forward to last week.  My broken ass has been causing me all manner of trouble over the past few years, giving me all kinds of old lady pain like a seized performis and an overly excited Sciatic nerve.  I’ve been seeing an Osteopath as a walker isn’t really a life goal of mine.  It’s finally on the mend.

It’s winter, its icy.  I decide, on a whim, to walk to the mailbox.   I’m moseying down my driveway, all casual like, and WHOOOSH. TIMBER. THAR SHE GOES.  My feet fly out from under me, and I try to stop my fall with my iPhone. That strategy was fairly ineffective, as you might imagine.

This time, I didn’t see any tweety birds. It just hurt like the devil took me over.  But, I still walked hobbled to the mailbox.  I am becoming stoic in my advancing years.

Which brings me to today. My ass was still aching from the ice fall of last week.

My dog was outside, barking.  Usually, when the dog is barking, I like to yell really loud, from the door, ‘Shut up you little Fucker.‘  I do this because I like to imagine the neighbours thinking I’m talking to the kids like that.

I screeched variations such as ‘You’re a bad little fucker‘ and ‘Shut the fuck up you little asshole‘.  but the little bugger just kept barking. Just one more family member to ignore me.  I was in bare feet and pjs, and since this is a remarkably mild winter, I ran outside, as I was, to scare the bark out of my little doggie’s bring him inside .  (So you don’t think I’m a dog abuser, he wags his tail when I call him Fucker. I’m pretty sure he thinks that’s his name.)

Picture this: I’m running on the wood deck, ready to ‘reprimand’ the young furry lad, and WHOOSH. TIMBER. THAR SHE GOES. I hit a patch of goddammed black ice right in my own backyard.  This time, not only do I land flat on my ass, but I smash my head and elbow on the deck too. You know, just to make sure I’m damaged. The dog, who isn’t the smartest canine in the shed, looks shocked. He’s not sure if I’m playing dead, or just playing, or if I’m down on the ground to give him a cookie.  He thinks all of those are fun.

I saw more than stars.  I saw my dead grandfather and the tunnel with a light.

I crawled inside to my couch, worried I was going to faint. Worried I was going to die as punishment for calling my dog a Fucker.

Of course, what do I do next? Call an ambulance, check out my injuries?   I tweeted:

Tweeting at the most opportune moments

Then, not getting the sympathy I craved, I tweeted:

If you think the elbow looks bad, you should see my ass

The morals of the story?

1. My ass is like Timex.  It takes a Licking and keeps on Ticking.

2.. If you want to call your dog a fucker for barking, do it from inside the house.

3. If you must call your dog a fucker from outdoors, wear these Yaktrax.  They’re hot.

Yaktrax. They go great with pyjamas.

True Confession: Guilty as Charged

Apparently, this is a week for true confessions.

First, I confessed to the fact that I have a 16-year-old son (although nowhere does it say that I have an almost 18-year-old daughter.)

Then, I admitted that I’m a Shameful Coveter, otherwise known as a Breaker of the 10th Commandment.

And now, I’m going to reveal the most stupefying admission of them all.  I’ve debated over and over about revealing this fact about myself in such a public forum like this blog.  It’s not that its an embarrassing fact about me.  Its just that its so out of character.

As such, I don’t really discuss it very often.  Well, not that much, anyways, just some of the time.  Maybe every other day. Or every day, depending on my mood.

And, really, I mention it only to my closest friends, my husband, and, well, some of Twitter.

Are you ready?

Here goes.


Well, it’s not so much a crush as true love. The one roadblock, if one is nitpicking, is that the object of my loving just doesn’t know it …YET.  As well as the fact that he already has a wife. As do I. Not a wife, but a husband.  But, my current husband knows about me and RDJ (Yep, we have nicknames, ALREADY), and I’m not sure why, but he’s sort of good with it.

You see, we have an understanding that if my boyfriend Robert Downey Jr. showed up at the door, with or without flowers and candy, I’d pull a runner even faster than Thelma and Louise. I did have to promise that if Jennifer Love Hewitt showed up…well, I was lying, but…

This is my boyfriend Robert.  He looks really good with his shirt off (I show the important things first).

Robert Downey Jr. Shirt off

RDJ Oh my

As well as with his shirt on

usually I don't like facial hair..

He does really sexy magazine covers

RDJ GQ Style

And dirty pensive hot artiste

Robert Downey Jr dirty pensive artiste

I’m not completely shallow though. He’s very funny (EVERYONE thinks he should host the Oscars), is a great and charismatic actor, and has triumphed against adversity (well, yes, it was of his own making, but he did triumph).

I think that once he realizes how we’re meant for each other, he’ll come and fetch me.  I saw him wink at me during Sherlock Holmes 2.

At least I’m not creepy and pathetic like these people at Downey Unlimited Fans Forever.

RDJ fan club

Who’s your celebrity crush?

I’m Greedy and I Know it. Otherwise known as Pinterest.

Little Miss Greedy

When I growed up into a married lady, I realized that I was greedy.  I wanted it all.  Now, just to clarify, I wasn’t greedy for a different man, although those ugly cream and brown shoes that I’d banned from the house and that I found hidden in the car sometimes had me second guessing my choice.

No, what I was greedy for was stuff.  (Not very PC these days, for sure, with all the decluttering talk, but hey, it was the ’90s).  I coveted whatever I had, plus everything everyone else had, and really fancy.  Some items on the list? A giant diamond ring (at least 3 carats), a designer wedding gown, the flowers out of Martha Stewart Weddings. I wanted to vacation on Nevis, just like the stars, and wanted to travel to Montana to ride like the images of cowboys in my imagination (what’s an imagination Mommy?  Is there an App for that?)  I was greedy for those high paying jobs I saw in the NEWSPAPER, and the Houses Beautiful featured in the Real Estate pages.  I desired designer clothing, a Birkin Handbag, a celebrity trainer, and maybe, just maybe some Manolo Blahniks. I’ll admit I was terribly materialistic.  (How mortifying.)

There weren’t a lot of ways to easily feed my greedy habits, though, other than wandering the mall, leafing through magazines, and shamefully, stealing a peek of people’s rings as they checked out at the grocery store, all the while drooling and dreaming of all my imaginary acquisitions.

I mean, if I wanted what you had, I couldn’t just go over there and ask you where you’d gotten it, right? Or could I…No, that would be embarrassing.

And, if you’ll remember, the Interwebs weren’t really a great resource yet.

What the World Saw in 1995

So that option was out.  So, after a while, it really became too much work to be greedy.  I mean, who had time or resources to go through all those magazines, stalk people for their handbags, or peer into windows at night as you walked the dog.   Time passed, and I almost completely forgot that I was a closeted Breaker of the 1oth Commandent.

And then, I found PINTEREST.



I didn’t want to find Pinterest.  I really didn’t.  I’d become satisfied with what I had.

But then…. All those pretty things free for the looking and the virtual taking.  And, I couldn’t resist. Clothing, jewels, cooking, furniture, accessories, shoes, purses, travel, housewares (Still don’t desire home organization or scrapbooking accessories, much to my mother’s chagrin)

AND, the best part? You didn’t even have to ask the other pinners where they got their virtual stuff. They just put it up on their Board. And then, you could get it too (for your pretend life on your board).

Pinterest is the ultimate GREEDY PERSON’S HAVEN.  Being GREEDY is no longer a condition to sweep under the rug.  In fact, due to Pinterest, being a Coveter is completely and totally socially acceptable, plus way cheaper and easier to keep tidy. On Pinterest, stalking people’s ‘stuff’ is desired. Even admired.

That’s why one of my boards is called ‘Things I nag my husband for’.  Yep. Socially acceptable here.

Pinterest: Things I nag my husband for

How much do you LOVE to feed your green eyed monster on Pinterest?

The Valium Chronicles: The Unspoiling of my People

someecards.com - I'm the Queen of Your World not the Slave of Your Abode

Instead of being a domestic goddess, I’ve become a NAG-erina.  Instead of being the mom-about-town career woman, I’ve become a slave to a team of moderately grateful humans and canines.  An invisible shadow of competence and cleanliness is what I seem to be, more of a housework fairy and invisible dish stacking demon than smiling Empress of the Apron.  What the heck, you ask?  This is so out of character!  But, since I became the BEST SISTER IN THE WORLD  I have had to somehow overcome my housework allergy and jump in to Operation Housewife with both feet plus the rest of me.

I can safely say, after two weeks of humungous messes left by 2 am snacks, egg dried on frying pans, and what seems like 9000 loads of dirty laundry (I reiterate, how many towels can five people actually go through?), that I am ready to UNSPOIL my family (commonly known to regular people as doing your part or helping out).

The first step in the process was the creation of my House Rules (can you see the eponymous Be Nice or Leave magnet at the top?) written on my kitchen white board.

Some caveats:

  1. These House Rules are neither fixed, nor exhaustive, and will certainly change with time.
  2. While some of the items seemed obvious (such as the fact that dishes do not in fact have the magical powers necessary to place themselves in the dishwasher), I am bound to restating them so there can be no ambiguity.
  3. These House Rules are intended to remind you that I am not your slave, but rather the Queen of your Worlds.
  4. I really don’t care if you make your beds, since I never make mine (see, at least I’m not a hypocrite).
  5. You people who live in my house mayn’t think I’m serious, but  you’ll see when you have no underpants or clean plates.
  6. The ‘Chores’ category is suitably vague as my needs for assistance may vary from day-t0-day.
  7. Assisting me does not include starting projects that make even bigger messes and then not finishing them (such as this mess left by the Father-of-my-Children who decided to clean out the junk cupboard in the kitchen but then got distracted for 2 weeks)

This is NOT how you clean up a mess

I’m sure that once the Unspoiling begins to take effect, the whole household will be a lot happier.  Especially me.  Which is all that really matters, right?

PS:  As you can see, I collect witty magnets.  Please feel free to send me any that you happen upon.

I made STEALTH Banana Muffins & they ate them

Stealth Banana Muffins

Normally I make all kinds of excuses when I take a bit of a blog holiday, particularly when in the throes of Day 6 of a personal challenge (that I obviously failed). This time, instead of telling y’all about the 4 solid days that I spent taking care of my daughter after her elective surgery; or the weird fatigue phase I went through at the same time which I combatted by sleeping for approximately 12 hours a night; or the books that I read, which included The Hunger Games Trilogy, Far to Go, The Sisters Brothers (which I thought was The Family Fang and couldn’t understand why it wasn’t funny), and lastly, the first of Paullina Simons’ Trilogy about Russia, The Bronze Horseman; or the zillion times I loaded and unloaded the dishwasher;  or my completely pathetic addiction to Bejeweled on my iPad.

Bejewelled. This game will ruin your blogging career.

No, instead of being such a whiney blogger, I will bribe you for your forgiveness with a kick -ass recipe for muffins that are so STEALTH in their mostly healthiness, that I hesitate to even POST the recipe in case my kids know what they were eagerly stuffing in their faces.  Now, these muffins could be EVEN healthier if one had Stevia or the mathematical ability to substitute Agave syrup for white sugar (neither of which fit my profile )

The inspiration for this baking when obviously I’ve been otherwise occupied with reading and playing iPad games?  A big pile of ripe bananas and no food in the house.  (Note: while I wanted to use up my bananas, I did draw the line at this beauty that was hanging out in my fruit bowl)

That's one mouldy banana

Mara’s Banana Muffins that are not like cake for breakfast (inspired by a recipe I found online when googling ‘healthy banana muffins’)

In a bowl, mash up 3-4 very ripe bananas, but probably not mouldy ones, because that would NOT be healthy.

Add in 2 eggs and mix well with a fork.  Mix in 1 tsp pure vanilla extract.

In another bowl or glass measuring cup, mix 1 cup of all purpose whole wheat flour (or Robin Hood Nutri-Flour), 1 cup of rolled oats or oatmeal flakes (I used Bob’s Red Mill), 1 tsp of baking powder, 1 tsp of salt, and 3/4 cup of sugar (I actually used just slightly less, but this is the not healthy part of the mostly healthy).  You can add 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts or semi-sweet chocolate chips  to make the muffins even yummier.  (Do not add carob chips, as my mother did in the 70s. They are not delicious. Trust me.)

Fill 12 muffin cups to the top with the mixture.  Bake until golden and the centre bounces back (I have no idea how long as I got distracted on twitter emptying the dishwasher.)

Stealth Banana Muffins

ENJOY!! and come back soon, y’all!