Shaking Our Groove Thing for Princess Margaret Hospital

Twitter. Pinterest. Blogging. Facebook. Some may call them time suckers. Others a fabulous hobby.  Still others an incredibly effective communication channel.  I call them all of the above, but plus also just plain fun.

Here’s the thing.  To me, philanthropy is just groovy.  It feels really great, for me at least, to do for others just because I can. It doesn’t always have to be money related, though.  Sometimes an opportunity presents itself to take what I love like tweeting, and direct my energies for the greater good

That’s what I’m doing this weekend.  I’m Live Tweeting The Dance to Conquer Cancer in support of Princess Margaret Hospital.

The Dance to Conquer Cancer

I’ve been touched by Cancer in so many ways. My niece is a Cancer Survivor, my father died of Liver Cancer, my Grandmother died of Breast Cancer.

One of my oldest friends is fighting a rare Adrenal cancer right now.  And, she’s being treated at Princess Margaret Hospital. At PMH, they treat my friend with kindness, respect and empathy. There are nurses there who make her chemo more tolerable, if not enjoyable. She feels welcome there, like everyone wants to help her. There are resources like Look Good Feel Better available to help her mitigate the side effects of her treatment.  Because of the research funds available, the doctors are looking for ways to find new ways to treat rare cancers like hers.

Sure, Dance to Conquer Cancer is going to be fun. Probably the most fun tweeting I’ve ever.  I mean, there’s a DANCE-A-THON featuring Richard Simmons (how cool is that), and Blake McGrath (I’m totally obsessed with So You Can Think You Can Dance ).  There’s a fabulous dinner, MORE dancing, and an evening performance by Gloria Gaynor.

I mean, what better anthem is there for a party who’s goal is to kick Cancer’s butt to the street?

But, the best part of the whole thing, besides the beauty bar where ladies can get hair and makeup touchups, a shopping auction and a Tassimo Coffee station, (this party is getting better and better, come to think of it), is that my DAUGHTER will be on-stage dancing the day and night away as part of the entertainment.

My girl, who I’m so proud of, works for Magen Boys Entertainment. They’re spinning the tunes and shaking their money makers to keep the party-goers energized and boogying for hours.  I’m so happy that Skylar will be able to see the greatness of selflessness and how amazing it feels to use your gift to help others.

Keep your eye out for pictures from the party next week. I’m going to go practice my moves right now, although according to daughter, I’m forbidden from dancing.

For more info about the event:

Twitter: @DiscoDays1

Please visit the Princess Margaret Hospital website for more information about the great things they’re doing.

And if you’re coming to the party, I’ll be the one Tweeting in sequins. Or, maybe not.