True Confession: Guilty as Charged

Apparently, this is a week for true confessions.

First, I confessed to the fact that I have a 16-year-old son (although nowhere does it say that I have an almost 18-year-old daughter.)

Then, I admitted that I’m a Shameful Coveter, otherwise known as a Breaker of the 10th Commandment.

And now, I’m going to reveal the most stupefying admission of them all.  I’ve debated over and over about revealing this fact about myself in such a public forum like this blog.  It’s not that its an embarrassing fact about me.  Its just that its so out of character.

As such, I don’t really discuss it very often.  Well, not that much, anyways, just some of the time.  Maybe every other day. Or every day, depending on my mood.

And, really, I mention it only to my closest friends, my husband, and, well, some of Twitter.

Are you ready?

Here goes.


Well, it’s not so much a crush as true love. The one roadblock, if one is nitpicking, is that the object of my loving just doesn’t know it …YET.  As well as the fact that he already has a wife. As do I. Not a wife, but a husband.  But, my current husband knows about me and RDJ (Yep, we have nicknames, ALREADY), and I’m not sure why, but he’s sort of good with it.

You see, we have an understanding that if my boyfriend Robert Downey Jr. showed up at the door, with or without flowers and candy, I’d pull a runner even faster than Thelma and Louise. I did have to promise that if Jennifer Love Hewitt showed up…well, I was lying, but…

This is my boyfriend Robert.  He looks really good with his shirt off (I show the important things first).

Robert Downey Jr. Shirt off

RDJ Oh my

As well as with his shirt on

usually I don't like facial hair..

He does really sexy magazine covers

RDJ GQ Style

And dirty pensive hot artiste

Robert Downey Jr dirty pensive artiste

I’m not completely shallow though. He’s very funny (EVERYONE thinks he should host the Oscars), is a great and charismatic actor, and has triumphed against adversity (well, yes, it was of his own making, but he did triumph).

I think that once he realizes how we’re meant for each other, he’ll come and fetch me.  I saw him wink at me during Sherlock Holmes 2.

At least I’m not creepy and pathetic like these people at Downey Unlimited Fans Forever.

RDJ fan club

Who’s your celebrity crush?