Day 6: Jewish Guilt isn’t THAT hard to overcome

So, today’s Day 6 task was to ‘shrug it off’.  I’m supposed to live guilt-free today, as apparently beating myself up about the little things will only lead to self-defeat and stress.  However, I’m JEWISH.  So, the guilt-free thing is a hard one, supposedly.

What I tried to do, however, is follow the teachings of my yoga teachers.  When thoughts invade when you are practicing yoga, you are supposed to welcome them, embrace them, and then let them go.  Just like little birdies, you send them to fly away.  So, in that spirit, here are some things I felt guilty about today, and FORCED MYSELF TO LET GO.

I felt guilty about my daughter who didn’t feel well, and who I made go to school anyways. Oh, actually, I didn’t feel that bad as she wasn’t really sick, but just didn’t want to get up.

I felt guilty about sitting at Bagel World and having a long and chatty breakfast with my friend.  Oh, actually, i didn’t feel guilty about that, since its been a long time since I had a nice breakfast with a friend.

I felt guilty about eating a double poppy toasted flat bagel with cream cheese at aforementioned breakfast. Oh, actually, I didn’t feel guilty about that since I had poached eggs with the bagel, which are definitely lo cal.

I felt guilty about spending $250 at Costco. Oh actually, I didn’t as I  bought TP and paper towels on sale and actually SAVED $8.00 doing so.

I felt guilty about the 9 loads of laundry that were waiting for me at home while I was out doing all those other things above.  Oh, actually, I didn’t, since most of those clothes were not mine, and seriously, how many pairs of pants can people wear in three days.  i mean, SERIOUSLY.

I felt guilty about the fact that I only made soup for my kids for dinner.  Oh, actually, I didn’t, since it was homemade lentil barley soup with tomato, onion, and cumin, and was extremely healthy.

The only thing I felt guilty about is that I didn’t have the time to go to yoga today AGAIN.  Oh, actually, I did have time at 8:00 but I was on Twitter instead.  So, maybe I can feel guilty about that last one.

Oh, and I POSSIBLY feel guilty that tomorrow is Chanukah and I don’t have any of the accoutrements for the kids such as chocolate money, applesauce for the latkes, or THEIR GIFTS.

Notwithstanding the last one, which may be serious, Chatelaine Magazine is right. Because, the little indulgences, like breakfast with a friend, or hanging at Costco, actually let you feel more satisfied and content when you’ve got bigger things to deal with (like a hugely messy kitchen or 9 loads of laundry in one day.)

And, writing this while drinking a lovely glass of Chateau des Charmes GenSeven wine, I can enjoy a guilt free indulgence.  Because the  Bosc Family, owners of the beautiful Chateau in Niagara, Ontario, donate $1.00 from every bottle sold of this delicious vino to Meal Exchange:  A hunger problem and student solution.

Now, for a little humour about appeasing our guilt.  Enjoy!

Refresh: All Cookie, No Ohmmmm (OH, and LATKES)

Don’t get too excited.  Days 4 & 5 of Refresh were not that life changing.  When you watch the video, please fight the urge to pity me for what happened on Day 4.

Also, In case you were wondering, here’s a better picture of the cookies.

Double Chocolate Candy Cane cookies

This is what my kitchen looked like while I was making the cookies

messy melted chocolate

When you drizzle chocolate & crushed candy cane on wire racks, that's what happens

And the recipe can be found HERE.


(I didn’t make any yet, so I borrowed this picture from Canadian Foodie Girl.  Here website is amazing, so, please go take a look)

This recipe is very adaptable depending on the size of your crowd.

For each of 4 medium sized yukon gold potatoes, use one med cooking onion and one egg.

Using a box grater, grate the onion into a bowl ( you will probably cry).  On the larger holes of  the box grater, grate the potatoes.  (Watch your knuckles, and don’t bother peeling the potatoes, just wash them well.)

Add in a couple of tbsps of matzo meal or flour, one large egg, and salt & pepper to taste.  Mix well with a fork.

Heat about one inch of oil in a large frying pan or electric frying pan.  When oil is hot, using the fork, drop blobs of the potato mixture into the pan.  Flat them down a bit with the fork, so they will fry up lacy and crisp.  Using the fork ensures you don’t get any of the liquid from the mixture, which would interfere with the crispy laciness.  You made need to add more oil (hey, this holiday is all about the frying, you’ll go on a diet tomorrow!)

When the one side is golden brown, flip the pancake, and continue to fry, probably another 2 minutes.  Have a cookie sheet lined with paper towel ready to drain the latkes of their excess oil, then transfer to another dish.

Ideally, they should be served immediately after frying, but if you need to, you can keep them warm in the oven.

Top with cinnamon sugar, sour cream, or apple sauce.

Variations:  grated sweet potato or grated zucchini

Day 3 of Refresh: Focus on Your Food

Today’s Refresh challenge was to THINK about FOOD. Finally!  Something I’m good at. (Because Day 2’s whole cleaning thing was not my forte.)   Just like any other previously chubby teenager with body dysmorphia and North American food issues, I think about food all the time. What I ate, what I want to eat, what I’m going to eat, what I’m NOT going to eat.  However, that’s not what the authors of the 21 Days to a New You had in mind. Theirs was a bit more mentally healthy.

The challenge said to: “really think about food (sic).  Take one meal and eat with awareness. Shut down your computer, switch off the TV, and savour every bite.

Today, was the perfect day for Day 3.  My husband and I decided to take a hooky day and have a weekday lunch date downtown.  This was the perfect opportunity to be mindful of my food, because we went to a restaurant for lunch that I have been dying to try, called Pizzeria Libretto.  We haven’t been to this restaurant as of yet, first because usually I’m too lazy to go downtown, but also because normally it has a two hour line up.  In fact, our waiter Tony (who was excellent by the way;  KUDOS to the owners for hiring him), told us that at the original location, he’s known people to wait THREE hours.  Well, my husband doesn’t stand in no line, so that was why we’d never tried this amazing spot.  I found out, though, that they’d opened a second location, which was larger, and takes reservations.  While we didn’t do the latter for lunch, its good to know its an option.

What’s so special about Pizzeria Libretto? Well, this isn’t a restaurant review , so you can go on their site to find out (all I’ll say, is that they are a certified Neopolitan Pizza place). However, this is a post about my savouring every bite. Which is what I did with my pizza, which was cooked in their special wood oven.

Pizza Libretto's wood ovens

As today’s task requested, I totally THOUGHT ABOUT MY FOOD, and I ate it with full awareness of how fantastic it was!  I oohed, I ahhhhed, I yummmmed.  This pie was laden with grilled eggplant, homemade tomato sauce, basil, chili, and grated ricotta salata.  HEAVEN!  And, just so you know, the crust was even above heaven, wherever that is.

Pizza Libretto Eggplant Pizza

The husband had the sausage pizza with fresh Mozzarella di Bufalo on it.  It was supposed to be a white pizza, but he’s a bit old school, so they added tomato sauce.  I don’t think he was as mindful with his as I was with mine, as he inhaled it in about 3 minutes. After the massacre, when he stopped to take a breath, he pronounced it the best pizza he’d ever eaten, and asked me why we’d never eaten at this restaurant before (obviously I rolled my eyes at that question, it being his fault that he’d never had that sausage pizza before.)  Since I couldn’t finish, he took over and finished the eggplant one, pronouncing his own to have been at least two, maybe three times better than mine.

Pizzeria Libretto Sausage Pizza

What I learned from today’s Day 3 task was that its important to think about your food. But, not as your enemy.  Instead, choose foods that you love, focus on the enjoyment and ceremony of eating them. Make the meal count.  Make it special.  And so we did.

PS:  After we finished eating, we had a great conversation with Tony (our waiter, remember?) about Libretto’s sister restaurant Enoteco Sociale. So, guess where we’re off to next for another mindful meal.

I’m Changing My Life… in 21 Days

So, while Operation Housewife may not be the favourite thing I’ve ever done in my life, equatable only with cleaning out the basement and standing in line for airport security, I realize that my last post was a bit whiney and self-indulgent.  I’m a grown up lady (well for all intents and purposes) and I can certainly do laundry and household chores and/or direct the troops teenagers to do my work for me.

I received my monthly subscription to Chatelaine Magazine a few days ago, and the main headline really caught my eye

Chatelaine Magazine, January 201

REFRESH!! It says. CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 21 DAYS!  It says.  I could use some refreshing.  And, I could use some changing (I mean, who couldn’t?)  I want to get more energy, sleep more, and stress less.  Therefore, I decided to CHANGE MY LIFE IN 21 DAYS.  And, since I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions because nobody ever keeps them and its one more thing to feel guilty about or beat ourselves up about, I decided to start my 21 days NOW!  On December 14th.

Everyday, I’ll be posting a short video or blog post talking about that days ‘change’.  So, enjoy day 1!

I’d LOVE you to join in on this challenge so put your blog URL in the comments.

I can’t use a linky tool since I’m on the free which often doesn’t feel free but mostly feels like a burden.

Maybe that’s one of the ways I should change my life…hmmm. Self Hosting…Day 22.