The Valium Chronicles: My Excellent Childbirth Advice

I have a Twitter friend named Nolie (who I’ve also met, by the way, so its not as weird as it sounds).  Nolie is her nickname, but I’m not going to tell you her real name. If you want to know her real name you have to ask her (because if I tell you I will have to make a joke about it, and then she will have to make a joke about the fact that my name was almost Bertha!)  She blogs at .

Nolie is having a baby.  Like any minute. Or, if you’re reading this after October 25th (to be generous) any minute ago.  We were ‘chatting’ about stuff on Twitter along with  a lovely lady  Cheryl, (who much prefers Facebook to Twitter, and who blogs about her amazing kids plus other great family stuff on  Cheryl and I really bonded when she told a story of how an arsehole insurance company didn’t want to pay for her daughters Botox treatment for her Cerebral Palsy.  After discussing how much we all love each other and hate said insurance company that is screwing Cheryl around we were best friends.  Last week, the three of us talked about Twitter, Facebook, friends, and Nolie’s upcoming, but as yet delayed, childbirth.

These are the nuggets of advice I gave her.  There is no further explanation required.

My wisdom about childbirth & induction

Have a nice day!