Missing? Actually Refining my Momprastinating Skills…

So, where have I been? Because I haven’t been writing for a while.  Call it writer’s block. Call it blogger’s apathy.  Or just plain call it ‘I don’t feel like writing because I’ve been working and then I’m going to watch American Idol and then lay in my bed.’  Actually, its not just writing I haven’t been doing:

  • I haven’t cleaned up my closet
  • I let my fridge go bare
  • I haven’t started the work on my college course
  • I haven’t read all the wonderful books I have in my stack of wonderful books
  • I am avoiding a certain stack of envelopes (which my husband is nagging me about)
  • I haven’t ordered my kids’ camp labels from Mabel’s Labels. (Nor have I started packing them up.)
  • I’m all out of shampoo, facial cleanser, and other random cosmetic accoutrements.

This is pretty much the reason.  (Sorry for the ad. Its the official video)

My Momprastination is also because due to a little gadget called an iPhone:

Have you played this?


Or even better, this?

I really need to get my act together.

What have you not been doing?

On an unrelated note, one of my favorite songs now, with an amazing message.