My Ass is Like a Timex Watch.

Warning:  There is cussing in this post. A lot of cussing.  I’m not bleeping it out.

I’m a klutz.  It’s no big secret.  I mostly never actually break anything.

I’ve scraped my entire face, fallen up the stairs and torn all the ligaments in my foot, gone splat on the dance floor in the middle of several weddings and bar mitzvahs, and smashed my foot into a chair, breaking it, right before a Disney trip.  I’ve skiid into the forest and over someone who has fallen. I’ve nearly sliced my finger off on the rough edge of my trunk at camp, cut open my hand trying to serve watermelon, and almost halved my hand halving bagels.  We won’t even mention my driving including wrapping my car against a pole and hitting a stationary garbage truck.

However, its my ass that seems to be getting the brunt of my clumsiness.

About 9 years ago, I heard my cell phone ringing on my front hall table.  I went careening down the stairs to answer it, not knowing that the nanny had just washed the tile floors.  This was me.  I saw tweety bird.

I saw tweety birds

My ass was broken. Well, actually my Coccyx.  I couldn’t lay flat on my back for a month. Fun.

A few years later, I was dancing at a Bar Mitzvah, and my best friend thought it would be fun to do the bump.  You know, like from disco? Except she didn’t know her strength and sent me flying, in my Steve Madden Stilettos and skin tight skinny jeans across the dance floor, where I skidded to a stop, landing hard on my ass (coccyx, tailbone). Again. Just bruised this time, but still. Ouch. Super Ouch. I took to my bed.

Fast forward to last week.  My broken ass has been causing me all manner of trouble over the past few years, giving me all kinds of old lady pain like a seized performis and an overly excited Sciatic nerve.  I’ve been seeing an Osteopath as a walker isn’t really a life goal of mine.  It’s finally on the mend.

It’s winter, its icy.  I decide, on a whim, to walk to the mailbox.   I’m moseying down my driveway, all casual like, and WHOOOSH. TIMBER. THAR SHE GOES.  My feet fly out from under me, and I try to stop my fall with my iPhone. That strategy was fairly ineffective, as you might imagine.

This time, I didn’t see any tweety birds. It just hurt like the devil took me over.  But, I still walked hobbled to the mailbox.  I am becoming stoic in my advancing years.

Which brings me to today. My ass was still aching from the ice fall of last week.

My dog was outside, barking.  Usually, when the dog is barking, I like to yell really loud, from the door, ‘Shut up you little Fucker.‘  I do this because I like to imagine the neighbours thinking I’m talking to the kids like that.

I screeched variations such as ‘You’re a bad little fucker‘ and ‘Shut the fuck up you little asshole‘.  but the little bugger just kept barking. Just one more family member to ignore me.  I was in bare feet and pjs, and since this is a remarkably mild winter, I ran outside, as I was, to scare the bark out of my little doggie’s bring him inside .  (So you don’t think I’m a dog abuser, he wags his tail when I call him Fucker. I’m pretty sure he thinks that’s his name.)

Picture this: I’m running on the wood deck, ready to ‘reprimand’ the young furry lad, and WHOOSH. TIMBER. THAR SHE GOES. I hit a patch of goddammed black ice right in my own backyard.  This time, not only do I land flat on my ass, but I smash my head and elbow on the deck too. You know, just to make sure I’m damaged. The dog, who isn’t the smartest canine in the shed, looks shocked. He’s not sure if I’m playing dead, or just playing, or if I’m down on the ground to give him a cookie.  He thinks all of those are fun.

I saw more than stars.  I saw my dead grandfather and the tunnel with a light.

I crawled inside to my couch, worried I was going to faint. Worried I was going to die as punishment for calling my dog a Fucker.

Of course, what do I do next? Call an ambulance, check out my injuries?   I tweeted:

Tweeting at the most opportune moments

Then, not getting the sympathy I craved, I tweeted:

If you think the elbow looks bad, you should see my ass

The morals of the story?

1. My ass is like Timex.  It takes a Licking and keeps on Ticking.

2.. If you want to call your dog a fucker for barking, do it from inside the house.

3. If you must call your dog a fucker from outdoors, wear these Yaktrax.  They’re hot.

Yaktrax. They go great with pyjamas.

Oops I did it again..Once a Klutz, always a klutz


I’m a klutz. There’s no doubt about it. From a young age, I have been a klutz. 

Cases in point:  You know how they say that once you learn how to ride a bike you never forget?  Well, I did.  My Dad had to teach me every year how to ride a bike. And, at the tender age of 42, I still cannot ride and change gears at the same time.

When I was 6 years old, I was playing with my Dad’s toupee and twirling it in my fingers, I dropped it right in the toilet.

When I was eight, I was at sleep over camp, and I was pretty much just walking on the gravel road and I took a flyer and scraped up my entire face.  That scab was attractive, let me tell you.  I was pretty cool, that’s for sure, with my war wounds and all.

When I was 12, I was running up the stairs, and well, I fell UP the stairs, tearing all the ligaments in my foot.  I mean who does that?

When I was 14, my family was skiing in Vermont.  I mean I don’t like to ski at the best of times, as in ever…but they made me go anyways.  First, I got off the chair lift and lost control and ski’d into the forest.  Next time around, the ramp looked really icy and I refused to get off completely, going all the way around.  Finally, the next day, I was really tearing up that hill, or so I thought, until I ski’d RIGHT OVER someone who had fallen down, elegantly doing a quadruple lutz and nearly breaking my leg.  (Upside to that story, the ski patrol was pretty hot). 

As a matter of routine, I break drinking glasses, plates, eyeglasses.  Thank goodness I’ve never broken a kid.  However, I have broken:  a washer/dryer, and several fridge drawers (by overloading them).

In addition, I have dropped on the floor:  2 blenders, 4 coffee maker glass carafes, 2 entire coffee makers and a food processor.

As well, I have completely jammed up my vacuum cleaner at least 3 times, and have had at least 4 stupid car accidents which include wrapping my car around a pole, getting my minivan stuck between two buildings (where the space was obviously too narrow), and most famously, rear ending a garbage truck across the street from my house.

I have lost/misplaced almost everything I have ever owned at least once, including leaving my wallet in a store, my purse in movie theatres, 100s of scarves, gloves, towels, hats, etc.   Just as above, thank goodness I’ve never lost a kid.  Although, I did try to a few times.  But for once, I was unsuccessful.

Last summer, I was walking in front of my house and I tripped over the top of my flip flop and scraped up the front and back of my legs, and tore up my foot UNDER the big toe.  How do you even do that?  As well, when I was walking at work, my high heel caught in the cuff of my dress pants and I took a flyer in the middle of the office.  I have also swan dived at multiple Bar and Bat Mitzvahs as well as sliding right across the dance floor at a cousin’s wedding.  That WASN’T EMBARRASSING.  Not at all.  Last fall, I think I ended up on YouTube when I slow motioned fell right in front of the donut station at my friend’s son’s Bar-Mitzvah party.  Even I thought that was funny. The year before, my BFF hip checked me at another party and I hit the floor so bad I bruised my ass.  (Which was already damaged from the time I slipped on the wet floor in my own hallway and broke my ass)

My son has inherited my klutz gene.  Except, his target is electronics.  He has dropped his phone in the sink, the toilet, and if you can believe, a sewer.  He also has dropped his iPod touch in the toilet, and has crushed it while playing football.  My daughter doesn’t break anything.  Little J just breaks limbs.

So, why am I telling you all this?  Because, today is a sad day.  I went to pee and my Torchie fell out of my backpocket, right into the toilet.  Bye Bye Blackberry.  The red dot of death appeared and that baby went dark forever.  So now, I’m switching to an iPhone.  How many ways can you break an iPhone?