Guest Post: Feel Good Fridays

Susie Sunshine source:

I’d like to direct your attention to my friend Kristin’s blog  She writes about healthy living, happiness, and feeling great.  They’re all interconnected, apparently.  I really like Kristin because she’s a real person (you know what I mean).  And even though she’s pretty granola (or muesli, natch), she still likes me.  I mean, I recycle and such, and I try and feed my family the healthiest foods they’ll tolerate, but I’m still a princess.  For example, read how I got a nanny over at my column on  

Kristin runs a weekly feature called FEEL GOOD FRIDAYS.  After I wrote my two posts about Things I cannot Change and Tooting my Own Horn, Kristin asked me to write her a post about FEELING GOOD.  Instead, what I wrote about was that sometimes I just feel crappy.  But she published it anyways. Because, apparently, admitting that its ok to feel crappy is actually a FEEL GOOD sentiment.   So, go on over to Feel Good Fridays:  The Susie Sunshine Edition.

Come again, ya’ll!!