I Fought Royal Wedding Fever. But I think it Won.

The Royal Wedding has done me in again.  I have  fought all interest in it with a passion.  Just out of principle.  Because I hate following a trend. Why?   I like to be the first one to discover something, and then START the trend.  When I like something, I rave about it incessantly (maybe annoyingly) until everyone I know has tried it and liked it.  Most people don’t mind, since I do all the research and testing for them.  Otherwise I quite voriferously am against jumping on the bandwagon.  Some examples of me leading the charge?

When I read about Crocs online and bought them, deemed them super comfortable, and great to walk in.  

(Although in hindsight, I shouldn't admit to the whole Croc things because...well...now that I think about it, they were hallucious.)

Or when I saw the first write-up about fit flops in InStyle Magazine and drove all the way to Buffalo to buy a pair at Bath and Body Works before they were available in Canada.  Just so I could be first.

(Best flip flops ever although my husband describes THEM as hallucious)


I was the first of my friends to use Smashbox Halo or get Gel nails.  I was also the first one to get married and have a baby. I’m also the only one of my friends on Twitter (follow me @chickymara), although they totally don’t get the Twit, and pretty much make fun of me and denigrate my addiction (maybe they’re secretly jealous?) 

One band wagon I jumped on late, but for me never late then never, is drinking.  My favorite cocktail (an therefore de rigeur for anyone I know) the Mojito. My sister and I tried Mojitos at a Cuban cafe about 8 years ago, and I fell in love (what’s not to love-booze, mint, lime, and ice?)    I also do like to drink wine.  Its a good hobby. (see the drinking shirts?  get your own here )

Let’s face it. I love being first. And I don’t like jumping on the bandwagon after the fact. It burns me to the core to give in, and I will stand my ground, even in the face of hard evidence.  Case in point:  Lululemon.  Everyone knows I love Lululemon. But, for years, while everyone was walking around in the $90 yoga pants, I refused to buy them.  I took a stand, quite to the detriment of having good-looking-ass pants.  In this case, I totally cut-off my nose to spite my face.  But, I did not learn my lesson.

There are some trends that I refuse to take on, regardless of the level of peer pressure.  One of them is the Brazilian Wax.  God made me a woman, and I’m going to look like one. Nevermind there is no hot wax going anywhere near my lady bits. EVER.  No matter how pretty the designs are.

Brazilian Wax-never gonna happen

Anyways, I digress.  The whole point of this blog is to explain that I fought Royal Wedding Fever for months.  I refused to care.  And I still do.  I hid my eyes when I saw pictures of that gorgeous couple.  I didn’t pay any attention to the wedding plans. For example, I didn’t pretended not to know that the ring was Princess Di’s or that her brother was part of the Royal Wedding planners. Or that Kate was on a special pre-wedding diet.  Or that Wills broke up with Kate to protect her from the Papparazzi. Or that one of the Pages was Wills and Harry’s nanny’s son.  Or that Kate ordered Maple trees to decorate Westminster Abbey because they were on her family’s new coat of Arms.  I had no idea of all that.  But, then, the night before the wedding, I happened by accident to PVR  the Slice Network Made-for-TV Love Story of William & Kate.  And then by accident, I watched the entire wedding.  (Twice).  Also by accident, I posted pictures on my Twitter and Facebook of my wedding dress and The scary Royal Step-Sisters.

Really girls? What's going on here? #TheRoyalWedding

Scary Royal Wedding Guests: Designed to make the bride look even better

As well, I did not consider laminating the National Post Special Wedding Section for posterity.  Nor did I order any of these amazing tacky wedding souvenirs

Royal Wedding Sick bags: Who would want that?

This Royal Wedding Dog T: This I would buy

I still don’t know any of that.  Because I refuse to jump on the Royal Wedding Frenzy bandwagon.  Except, look at this picture of them.  Isn’t it romantic? 

Kate and Wills: How Romantic (but I don't care)