When I Was Famous for a Second

I'm almost famous

This close...and Almost Famous

First, sorry for my absence. No excuses other than I’ve started a fabulous new job and a fabulous new website and have continued being a fabulous procrastinator.  A while ago, I talked about my career goals, which included being the new Oprah, or rather, Jew-prah.  Well, folks, I finally MADE IT ONTO THE electronic babysitter, the idiot box, the mesmerizer.  Yes, I was on TV!  And on the news, funnily enough, since I don’t watch the news.

The progression of events (which from #2 on, happened between Wednesday and Friday):

1.   I had the opportunity to write a Guest Post for Chapters/Indigo about The Hunger Games.  Obviously, I didn’t pass that up as there’s nothing I like better than books and bookstores.

2.  CBC’s The National was doing a story about the Hunger Games Canadian Premiere, and they asked Indigo for someone to interview.  They suggested ME.

3.  Producer called, yadayada, and obviously, she’s interested.  The one glitch? They want my son as well, and since he’ll be up in Collingwood visiting my mother at her new home (1.5 hrs away!), I’ll have to pick him up early.  She’s not happy, and it’s a pain, but anything to grab my 5 minutes in the sun.

4.  I don’t have anything to wear.  I go shopping (obviously) to a favourite store, Fashion Wear Boutique, where the owner styles me via spycam (she lives in Montreal).

5.  Thank goodness they want to film on Friday, because Luisa comes on Friday.  And everyone knows that Operation Housewife was a huge failure.  So if they came any other day than Friday, my house would have looked like a dirty flophouse on TV.  But on Fridays, it gleams.  Thank GOD for Luisa, that’s all I can say.

6.  My mother is 20 minutes late at the drop off point, although while I’m waiting, I fill up the Flexie with discount Costco gas.  I did put buffer time into the strict schedule, knowing she would be, so I arrive home,  after tooling it down the highway 20 km over the speed limit,  30 minutes before the journalist, Ely  Glasner, his producer, and the camera man are supposed to arrive.  Except, they are already there.  And, while I tamed my mane before the emergency retail event, my face has not been spackled.  I’m no where near camera ready.

7.  I layer on my hag-be-gone friends:  Nanoblur, Korres Brightening moisturizer, Marcelle BB Cream, Dior Nudeskin Concealer, Smashbox Starburst, slap on some eyeliner, mascara, and blush, swipe some gloss over my pucker, and shazaam.  I’m ready.  I offer coffee to everyone, except there’s no milk.  They forgive me.

8.  The filming proceeds smoothly, except for the fact that I keep looking at the camera, and banging my bracelet on the chair we’ve put next to the counter where my son has to sit because he’s way shorter than the other kid who’s come over to be on TV. (I forgot to mention the Producer, Ilana, asked me if I could procure another mom & daughter, which I did, thanks to Twitter).  My son, who is extremely verbose (can’t imagine where he gets it from), and a HUGE reader, completely clams up, forgetting his whole vocabulary except the word, ‘UMMMMM”.

9.  Everyone leaves.

Monday Night.  The reckoning.  I’m so sure that they’ll edit me out from the piece.  My reason for thinking this?  NONE.  Because I’m crazy.  I’m sure they’ll cut my son, because nobody is really interested in ummm…. hearing about….ummmmm…hummmmm…..

But they don’t cut me (nor do they cut him.  He’s sitting behind me staring into space, probably thinking pensively. He doesn’t talk, but nor do most deep thinking pensive people).

Oh yes, I’m in the piece.  They just get my name wrong.  GET MY NAME WRONG. They call me Maria.  My moment in the sun, and I’M SOMEONE ELSE.  I don’t even notice, but we get phone calls from people who actually watch the news and not because I called and told them to.  I tweet the producer and the error is quickly corrected.  In future clips their misnomer becomes my real nomer.   I know this, because I’ve watched it a few-ish times.

So have I found my calling? Tell me what you think.. (click the link, the dang thing wouldn’t embed)


source: lululemon.com

Last year, at Blissdom Canada, during a session on blogging and writing, Jen Reynolds, Canadian Family’s Editor-in-Chief, challenged all of us to craft a 700 word blog post about BLISS. While I didn’t win the contest (some incredible bloggers did, so go read the Reader’s Choice contenders here and find the winners in the March 2012 issue of Canadian Family), I’m still very proud of the piece that I wrote. I wanted to share it, as it was part of my journey of the last year; part of finding what’s still wonderful in my life as I grieved and moved forward after the death of my father and the loss of my job. When I wrote this, I laughed, I cried, and then I smiled. I hope that this story of Bliss, and what it means to me, finds its way into your heart.

What is Bliss?

Bliss is a bear hug from your giant 15-year old son. It’s a snuggle from your tween boy, who now reserves his affections for special moments. It’s a tossed off ‘I love you’ from your 17 year old daughter who is immersed in her own life and forgets she has a family. It’s sitting at the dinner table and listening to your children, almost grown, have amazing conversations, and know that when you’re gone, they’ll have each other.

Bliss is a waking up to a dog laying on your pillow, staring down, waiting for your eyes to open. It’s a cozy duvet wrapped around you as the wind whistles outside. It’s drinking a steaming cup of coffee on the back deck as the morning sun shines on your head. It’s the smell of a freshly cleaned house whether you cleaned it, or better yet, if you paid someone to do it. It’s opening up a brand new book and dreaming of the stories it holds. It’s laying in Savasana and waiting for the instructor to wake your body and calm your mind.

Bliss is being called Miss instead of ma’m by the checkout boy at the supermarket. It’s a compliment on your shoes from a salesclerk. Its a lovely comment on your blog. It’s a retweet on something you tweeted that you thought was especially witty or funny. It’s a picture where your hair looks great, and your butt looks small. It’s smiling at yourself in the mirror and liking what you see.

Bliss is your husband sneaking a peek when you’re changing, even though you’ve been together 22 years. Its a hug in the kitchen when he’s getting milk out of the fridge. It’s the twinkle in his eye when he dances around the room waving his pants above his head . It’s his laughter as you pretend to strip like Carrie on ‘King of Queens’. It’s remembering the look on his face when you walked down the aisle and how he held your hand when you gave birth to your children. It’s him telling you that you’re funnier and smarter than anyone else, and he doesn’t understand why they have a book and you don’t.

Bliss is hanging with your friends, laughing, maybe drinking wine. It’s your BFF texting you ‘I miss you’ randomly throughout the day. It’s knowing that there are people who have your back no matter what. It’s knowing that there’s someone who will tell you when you’re outfit is atrocious. It’s caring for others more than you care for yourself, and giving with no intention of receiving.

Bliss is your father’s last hug before he died. It’s his face when he opened his eyes the last time, smooched the air, and said, ‘I love you’. It’s the places he took you, the things he taught you, the dirty jokes he told. It’s the affection he openly shared, and taught you to share with your children. It’s the lectures he gave to teach you to be great. It’s the good genes he passed down so you don’t have wrinkles and your kids are brilliant, and the bad ones also, so your boy has ADHD.

Bliss is your mother as she ages, and becomes your friend. It’s when she tells you you’re worthwhile, and have something to say. It’s when she listens to you like you’re an adult not her child. It’s when she tells you something you cooked is better than hers. It’s how she changes and opens up and learns to share her love, because its never too late.

Bliss is your sisters, each with her own special self. It’s your brothers who can drive you crazy even while they make you smile. It’s your siblings, the ones who know you better than anyone else in the entire world. It’s knowing you have people who will be there always. It’s the nieces and nephews who keep you in babies. It’s the giant family gatherings full of love and laughter, and glitter and trucks.

Bliss is the small things.

It’s the everything. It’s what makes you happy. It’s what makes you sad. It’s what makes your memories.

It’s what makes you.

Bliss is life.

Guest Post: The Mother of All Lies

There’s a blog that I somehow happened upon last year that I totally love.  Its called ‘All Fooked Up’. That blog’s mommy, Lynn MacDonald, starting a Thursday feature a few months ago called GO AHEAD AND AMUSE ME.

In this feature, funny bloggers, or rather, just funny people, are featured.  Now, before you get excited and think that I got chosen for some kind of award or something, I submitted myself.  Because, Lynn amuses me frequently, and I wanted to amuse her.  Plus, the other folks she has featured on Go Ahead and Amuse me are HILARIOUS.  I had big boots to fill (big black leather ones worn over a red suit), and hopefully I did, with this anecdote about my kids, the big jolly guy, and a little fairy who loves teeth.

Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and Me

So, go, enjoy, and I hope I amuse you too!

Guest Post: Cookie Exchange


My friend Maija over at www.maijasmommymoments.com had a fabulous idea to do a blogger cookie exchange for the holidays.  I was so excited when she asked me to be a part of her one week long baking festival.  Except….I don’t really bake that much anymore due to me not wanting to eat the baked goods.  Plus, Chanukah isn’t so much about the baking as it is about the deep frying (can you say latkes and jelly donuts?)  But then I thought, ‘It is the season for sharing though, and me in the kitchen is always an adventure.’  Thus, in the spirit of giving,  it behooves me to share my favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe, which due to chocolatey and buttery goodness, is now settling comfortably on my blogger butt.

Enjoy Mara’s Adventures in Baking! (PS let’s just say a five year old made this cookie because my attempt to write ‘LOVE’ in smarties didn’t exactly pan out.  Or, it the words of my son, ‘What’s that supposed to be?’)

3 chip chocolate chip cookies


Guest Post: Michelle Duggar: She scares me….really.

I’m loving all of my guest posts!! This particular one was on my request.  I am fascinated by Michelle Duggar, and more particularly her lady bits.  I wanted to know what having 20 babies would do to a woman’s pelvic floor.  So I went to my favourite pelvic floor expert, Samantha Montpetit-Huynh for some answers, and asked her to share her thoughts on the state of Mrs. Duggar’s privates.  What I actually asked was whether she thought Michelle Duggar was actually having twins, but was storing  the extra baby up there for a spare (ya know, like a Kangaroo), or if her cervix is now so stretched out that she can use it to keep the potatoes fresh for dinner time.  Samantha had these answers for me.  I enjoyed them, and I hope you do too!!

So I was in my car driving to my client’s house when I heard the announcement on the radio; “ The infamous Duggar clan is expecting their 20th child”. Unbeknownst to me I yelled out “WHAT?!!”, then quickly looked around as I forgot that I was at a red light and had my window down.

Wow…that pretty much sums it up. She’s a trouper – that’s a very kind description. No, she’s an amazon, God, warrior of (literally) a tribe! There are days when I want to run away – far away from my children and there are only 2!! When you’re living with 20, how are you even able to take (what my husband eloquently refers to as a dump), never mind have the 5 minutes to be alone with your partner, and then have sex??

As I’m sure the Duggar’s place is probably locked down like Fort Knox, clearly there are no “locks” where she needs it!! Or maybe she’s just hiding one in there like a spare so if they ever get “bored”, SHAZZAM! Sigh.

All joking aside, I really am not one to judge. Like I’m sure 90% of the world population is saying “better her than me”. They’re are devout Christians and although I don’t have a religious bone in my body, I respect other people’s beliefs and how they wish to live their lives.

However….being an exercise expert who specializes in exercise in pregnancy and postpartum, I can not even imagine (I cringe) at the mere thought of (never mind her abs – I’m sure she’s so over it), but what the heck is she doing to her pelvic floor?? If the average woman experiences some degree of pelvic floor damage after a vaginal delivery from their 1st child, what are the “stats” after 20?? Ok crossing my legs now.

But I guess by this point, after you have 3, why not have 17 more???? And that pelvic floor is so tapped, she probably burps and the doctor just stands back and waits with a catcher’s mitt. It will be interesting to see if she’s the next spokesperson for Depends or on the other hand, she could develop the next pelvic floor exercise video and give Dr. Arnold Kegel a run for his money.

A girl can dream, can’t she??


Samantha Montpetit-Huynh is the mother of two beautiful girls and the founder of Core Expectations, Toronto’s only full service team that delivers personal training, abdominal rehabilitation and other support services to the homes and offices of pregnant women and new moms across the GTA.

Core Expectations: Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

Top Five Holiday Calorie Savers: Chick Style

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain (source: Hive Health Media.com)


I’ve been very busy writing my NaNoWriMo booklet, or pretending to and going out for lunch etc instead.  (Just in case you were wondering, that large cash prize hasn’t arrived yet.)

So, in the spirit of not neglecting my blog, I begged solicited for guest bloggers.

I was lucky to that Amanda from Fit Chicks offered to write up some healthy tips as the holidays approach. Between American Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas, we can all use some excellent advice.  No one wants to use their holiday dollars on larger pants, that’s for sure!!  I totally agree with all of her points, but I’m definitely on the fence about #5.  But, I’ll consider it. We’ll see how annoying my family is.

So, without further ado:

There is so much temptation around the holidays, with delish treats and sweet cocktails everywhere you feel like you are constantly testing your willpower – and lets be honest you really are. I mean you run into the host who tells you to “clean your plate” or is piling on the seconds before you are even done your first helping. Or the sabotaging co-worker that brings you a “special” treat daily to bring on the cheer or even worse the feeling that just one chocolate wont kill you – but how many of us can really just eat one?
Here are 5 healthy tips to incorporate into your holidays so you can indulge sensibly (aka eat your treats!) without piling on the pounds!
1. Cut the Christmas Coffees
Seems every coffee shop has holiday themed bevvies like Egg Nog Lattes and Candy Cane Hot Chocolates – these can add huge calories to your day without filling you up! (A Starbucks grande egg nog latte has a whopping 470 calories!) Skip these and instead opt for zero-calorie yummy festive herbal teas like chocolate peppermint and gingerbread instead.
2. Look HOT for the Holidays
Wear your sexy skinny jeans or a form fitting dress to holiday parties and dinners. You won’t be able to get away with stuffing yourself if you aren’t wearing the buffet pants! Also this is a great indicator if they are starting to feel a little snug that is is time to ease off those cupcakes stat!
3. Go Home Alone
Without treats that is. Just say no to bringing home leftovers and leave all the treats at the office. It’s ok to indulge if you are out somewhere special, just make your home a “no treat” zone and you will save yourself a lot of calories and guilt!
4. Always have a Perfect Plate
Keep your plate balanced by filling it with 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein and 1/4 carbs (that includes desserts – not they do not deserve a plate of their own!) Don’t overstuff your plate, just take what you really want, and never have seconds. You’ll be perfectly satisfied and won’t leave the table feeling like an over-stuffed turkey!
5. Be the Designated Driver
Cutting down on booze saves a ton of calories. Festive bevvies pack in a ton of calories – 1 rum and eggnog will cost you an insane 470 calories, and holiday punch can pack a huge punch at about 250 calories a cup. Plus you won’t start mindlessly munching on goodies if you’re not too tipsy to care! Sipping on sparking water with lemon and making sure your friends get home safely will have a huge impact on how you look and feel.
If you slip up and overindulge one day, forget the guilt as this usually leads to more guilt which in turn becomes emotional eating and well we all know that when you are feeling blue you are not reaching for the carrot sticks! So get back on the healthy eating bandwagon and know, it’s not one meal that gets you into trouble, it’s forgetting all about health and eating everything in sight for that can leave you 10 pounds heavier by New Year.
So follow these simple steps and end the holidays in the same pants as your started them in!
Amanda Quinn is Co Founder / Head Chick of FIT CHICKS, a Canadian based women’s only fitness company.  FIT CHICKS offers 8 week bootcamp programs at over 35 locations across Canada as well as fitness / nutrition challenges, workshops and recently launched FIT CHICKS Gear, a line of workout clothing for women. She is Certified Personal Trainer with Canfit Pro, Certified Ashtanga yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance as well as a Level 1 Kickboxing Instructor. Amanda is also a regular contributor and fitness blogger at www.fitchicksblog.com
For all locations and more info  FIT CHICKS, please visit www.fitchicks.ca or call 1-877- F1- CHICK

Got any tips of your own?  Add them here!!