When I Was Famous for a Second

I'm almost famous

This close...and Almost Famous

First, sorry for my absence. No excuses other than I’ve started a fabulous new job and a fabulous new website and have continued being a fabulous procrastinator.  A while ago, I talked about my career goals, which included being the new Oprah, or rather, Jew-prah.  Well, folks, I finally MADE IT ONTO THE electronic babysitter, the idiot box, the mesmerizer.  Yes, I was on TV!  And on the news, funnily enough, since I don’t watch the news.

The progression of events (which from #2 on, happened between Wednesday and Friday):

1.   I had the opportunity to write a Guest Post for Chapters/Indigo about The Hunger Games.  Obviously, I didn’t pass that up as there’s nothing I like better than books and bookstores.

2.  CBC’s The National was doing a story about the Hunger Games Canadian Premiere, and they asked Indigo for someone to interview.  They suggested ME.

3.  Producer called, yadayada, and obviously, she’s interested.  The one glitch? They want my son as well, and since he’ll be up in Collingwood visiting my mother at her new home (1.5 hrs away!), I’ll have to pick him up early.  She’s not happy, and it’s a pain, but anything to grab my 5 minutes in the sun.

4.  I don’t have anything to wear.  I go shopping (obviously) to a favourite store, Fashion Wear Boutique, where the owner styles me via spycam (she lives in Montreal).

5.  Thank goodness they want to film on Friday, because Luisa comes on Friday.  And everyone knows that Operation Housewife was a huge failure.  So if they came any other day than Friday, my house would have looked like a dirty flophouse on TV.  But on Fridays, it gleams.  Thank GOD for Luisa, that’s all I can say.

6.  My mother is 20 minutes late at the drop off point, although while I’m waiting, I fill up the Flexie with discount Costco gas.  I did put buffer time into the strict schedule, knowing she would be, so I arrive home,  after tooling it down the highway 20 km over the speed limit,  30 minutes before the journalist, Ely  Glasner, his producer, and the camera man are supposed to arrive.  Except, they are already there.  And, while I tamed my mane before the emergency retail event, my face has not been spackled.  I’m no where near camera ready.

7.  I layer on my hag-be-gone friends:  Nanoblur, Korres Brightening moisturizer, Marcelle BB Cream, Dior Nudeskin Concealer, Smashbox Starburst, slap on some eyeliner, mascara, and blush, swipe some gloss over my pucker, and shazaam.  I’m ready.  I offer coffee to everyone, except there’s no milk.  They forgive me.

8.  The filming proceeds smoothly, except for the fact that I keep looking at the camera, and banging my bracelet on the chair we’ve put next to the counter where my son has to sit because he’s way shorter than the other kid who’s come over to be on TV. (I forgot to mention the Producer, Ilana, asked me if I could procure another mom & daughter, which I did, thanks to Twitter).  My son, who is extremely verbose (can’t imagine where he gets it from), and a HUGE reader, completely clams up, forgetting his whole vocabulary except the word, ‘UMMMMM”.

9.  Everyone leaves.

Monday Night.  The reckoning.  I’m so sure that they’ll edit me out from the piece.  My reason for thinking this?  NONE.  Because I’m crazy.  I’m sure they’ll cut my son, because nobody is really interested in ummm…. hearing about….ummmmm…hummmmm…..

But they don’t cut me (nor do they cut him.  He’s sitting behind me staring into space, probably thinking pensively. He doesn’t talk, but nor do most deep thinking pensive people).

Oh yes, I’m in the piece.  They just get my name wrong.  GET MY NAME WRONG. They call me Maria.  My moment in the sun, and I’M SOMEONE ELSE.  I don’t even notice, but we get phone calls from people who actually watch the news and not because I called and told them to.  I tweet the producer and the error is quickly corrected.  In future clips their misnomer becomes my real nomer.   I know this, because I’ve watched it a few-ish times.

So have I found my calling? Tell me what you think.. (click the link, the dang thing wouldn’t embed)

If they Cancel the Soaps, Where Will we Learn Life Lessons?

This is the headline of today’s National Post. Front Page. 

Genre’s demise hastened as ABC pulls All My Children and One Life To Live

This is obviously BIG NEWS being on the front page and all.  Its the end of an era when a woman’s life looked like this, and her ‘stories’ were her escape:

1950s housewife

Whereas now, it looks like this, where she’s too busy living the ‘stories’ to watch them.

Desperate Housewives: a real depiction of modern living

There were apparently 29 Soaps on TV in 1969, 12 in 1990, and now last ones standing are Young and The Restless, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, and Days of our Lives. 

Apparently, the networks don’t want to spend money on scripted programming. Apparently, people want to watch Reality TV instead.  What are they talking about?  Soaps are REAL. They are SO TRUE to life.

For example:

I learned about true love from Luke and Laura

True Love: Luke and Laura

As well as Victor and Nicki

Victor and Nicki first marriage

And again from Victor and Nicki (and again and again and again)

Victor and Nicki again

I learned that if you’re a teen mom, you shouldn’t trust Aunt Rose because when you’re not looking, she’ll steal your baby and then you have to tie her up to try and get it back (but you find the baby 30 years later when he comes back as part of a police investigation ‘coincidentally’)

Aunto Rose stole Ninas baby

I learned how to take over the world with using the Secret Formula from the Ice Princess from Edward Quartermain

General Hospital

I learned to Rock on with Danny Romalotti and Lauren Fenmore

As well, I learned that even when you get buried alive, your boyfriend will save you but then fall in love with your best friend and  your baby is never really your baby because maybe someone stole it because they switched the sperm and then your sister-in-law fell and had a miscarriage and had a hysterical pregnancy so then your sort-of-blind brother in law stole your baby to give to your mother-in-law who is also your sister-in-law. Then, you married your son-in-law thinking he was really a long-lost uncle of your nextdoor neighbor and then you had a heart transplant but never took a pill in your life and then you came out of your coma only to fake your own death.  After getting out of the mental health sanatorium you drove drunk into a tree, got amnesia and wandered around until you ended up living on a farm where you got married again only to find out you were already married to  your new spouse’s brother who also got your sister pregnant but she fell off a cliff but no one found her body just in case she’s not really dead.

As well, your kids go on vacation and come home 10 years older, you drink alcohol all day and never go to the bathroom. There are only two restaurants in your town, and no one says goodbye when they hang up the phone. You can leave work whenever you want to go the hotel and have sex although no one ever STDs, uses condoms or gets pregnant unless its not by their spouse.  No one gets a paycheque or a cold.  You’re lucky that your make-up is perfect even when you’re in a coma. Your hairstylist lives under your bed and you never wear the same thing twice. You’ve been locked in a cage, a box, a zoo. You’ve been burned in a fire and a plastic surgeone was able to make you look exactly like your arch enemy down to the shoe size. 

Soap operas are totally real.

What did you learn from The Soaps?