It WAS a NaNoWriMo Beat Down.

I'm a Winner

I’m BAAAAACCK.  Having triumphed against my internal start/stopper, which I now know is more of a naysayer and or avoider of large projects so that I don’t fail at them.  What am I talking about?  I have COMPLETED NaNoWriMo.  I wrote 52,043 words in 29 days.  Not only did I finish, but I completed the project early, although there was a little bit of ongoing procrastination and I wrote 13,000 words in the last three days.

There were naysayers, such as my lovely husband who said things like, ‘I can’t wait until this thing is over so that you stop tip tapping on that macbook till all hours.I’m tired.’  And ‘Can you remind me why you’re doing this?’  And, ‘Wouldn’t I look like an idiot if someone actually published your book?’

Obviously, my sons parroted his negativity with comments such as, ‘Why are you doing this?’  ‘Can you stop typing and feed me?’, and my favourite, ‘That book thing is dumb.’

Lastly, my daughter didn’t even seem to notice I was doing NaNoWriMo, which I count as a blessing, considering the other responses I got.  (My dogs really liked NaNoWriMo as they liked to cuddle on me while I was sitting still for so long)

I want to make it clear that I DON’T CARE what they say.  I am so DAMN proud of myself.  I have a box of first chapters of books in my basement as well as some notebooks upstairs containing similar material.  I have never ever ever done something so large, so great, so amazing before (other than getting married, having kids etc.).  While I tired of answering the multiple ‘BUT WHYS‘ of my reasons for participating in this challenge, I DON’T CARE (did I say that?).

My friends, both virtual and in life, loved the idea of me writing a book,and were very supportive:

Some of my NaNoWriMo supporters

although my very best friend wanted to know why I wasn’t just writing about her. She DOES have an interesting life.  I have a line-up of readers who want to see what I wrote, including the person who inspired the story.  I want to thank Kristin Klasbergen, who blogs at Peace, Love, and Muesli for seriously getting me through this.  I would totally have quit if it wasn’t for her.

Now, I will interview myself about the book, since of course my goal is to be Jewprah:

Jewprah:  So, can you tell us about your NaNoWriMo book?

Mara: My book is called, ‘Love in the Time of Twitter’, and its about Isabelle and Ted who meet through a Twitter follow-friday.  The book has some quirky characters and incorporates some of my romantic fantasies like being surprised by my one true love, who happens to be rich, with a beautiful mansion complete with a Kardashian-style closet. There’s one major love scene, but I sort of chickened out when it got past 2nd base.  I got a bit serious at the end as well, so major editing is required.

Jewprah:  What kinds of challenges did you face when writing?

Mara:  Well, I had trouble remembering the characters names and any details about them. Maybe it’s because I let the words just flow without any preparation. Plus, I always have trouble with names, and it seems even those in my own head were also hard to recall.   There are some continuity problems in the book that will need to be fixed, such as the names, tone, tense, and voice.  I sometimes struggled with actually getting down to the writing, although, when I did it, the words just flowed.  The other thing that was hard was always being funny.  The book is supposed to be a quirky, humorous tale, but the last bit got a bit serious.

Jewprah:  What’s your process?  Do you do any planning?

Mara:  I only knew the title and the premise.  I didn’t plan at all, and it seemed that the characters took over the story. Stuff happened that I didn’t plan on, and that was sort of fun because as I was writing, the scenes just developed themselves.  It was all news to me!

Jewprah:  So, what’s next?

Mara:  Well, I might avoid the book for a while.  I’d love someone who is in the know to actually read it and let me know if its worth editing and fleshing out to a full novel. Once whoever that is tells me how amazing I am, I plan on taking my advance and going to Ireland to meet Maeve Binchy

Jewprah:  Well, you look like you’re itching to get out of here. Where are you off to?

Mara:  Well, for the first time in a month, I’M NOT WRITING A NOVEL! That’s for sure!




I’m WRITING! I SWEAR! (image source

In the vein of my friend Lynn at AllFooked up, I’m going to provide you a list of everything that I’m doing and thinking about other than writing my 1700 words for NaNoWriMo.

  • Maybe I should go get the mail. There may be some important mail in the mailbox, you never know. For example, a large cash prize, a letter from the government explaining I wasn’t really born in Canada, or even a card advertising my dream home.
  • I should eat something. Its always better to write on an full stomach. Or is it an empty stomach. A full stomach makes you feel sedentary, but an empty stomach drives you to push yourself to excellence.  Look at how lean the lead actor in the movie ‘The Gods Must be Crazy’ was. He certainly achieved.
  • My dogs are cute. Look at their cute faces. They are so cute I should kiss them. Then, since they are so cute, I should run around with them. And talk baby talk to them. Because, they totally understand me.  I should probably make videos of me talking to my dogs and them understanding me.  On the other hand, people might take my kids away if I do that.
  • I think my NaNo novel characters have taken over the story. I hate being told what to do.  I think they need a time out, so maybe I should write later.
  • Yoga would help me think.
  • There’s a tweet again.  It may be very important if someone is tweeting me right now. Missing that tweet could change my life forever. So I’d better go check and see who it is.  Oh, its a spammer. Wait, there it goes again. It could be a friend in need.  Of my witticisms.  Laughter is the best medicine, or so they say.
  • NOW my email bleeped.  Usually I get just junk emails.  But, what if this time its important.  Like, for example, a member of the former Russian aristocracy who REALLY requires my most excellence servicing, and will pay me $15 million as long as I provide my bank account number, my date of birth, my address, and my shoe size.
  • That dog is really cute. But he’s so dumb. He’s trying to get food by scratching at a 6 pack of beer.  Have the kids been giving the dog beer again?  I’d better go text them and make sure they didn’t.
  • Young and the Restless really needs to have me guest star. I’d make a great prison inmate. I look so good in orange. And Sharon looked so good after her prison makeover. Really, she never looked better.  Oh wait, she’s out of jail.  But she gets to choose between hot veterinarian, Dr. Sam, gorgeous but evil Adam, and of course, Nick.  And what about Ronen.  I’d totally dump my husband for him.  But he would need to stop disappearing. Except my MIL would be Nina. Ewwww.
  • I should go to yoga later.  Or maybe now. Yoga is good for you. But not too much.  Yesterday, when I was ‘researching’ for my novel, I happened upon an article that says too much of anything isn’t good for you.  So, maybe I shouldn’t go to yoga. We’ll see.
  • Facebook is very interesting today.  A lot of people are posting videos, and it would be rude not to watch them and then comment.  Oh… sister put up a blog post. One MUST support one’s sister in her pursuit of bloggy excellence, right?
  • Have I showered yet?
  • What’s for dinner?
  • What if my sister’s nanny doesn’t come and I have to give her my nanny who I don’t actually need but I want, and then I have a relapse of my housework allergy whose symptoms are me being a TOTAL BITCH.  I hate acting like that, but it’s not my fault. Its an allergy.

In no way can this list be considered procrastination.  I totally and legitimately have important things to think about.  As well, I totally and legitimately am working to overcome my START/STOP impulse as well as my fear of rejection, insurmountable obstacles, and small spaces.

Note from the Editor:  Chicky has been spanked at sent right to Scrivener to start her words.  Stop TWEETING her. OR ELSE!!

Seeing The Forest for the NanoWriMo

Can't See the Forest For the Trees (image source:

According to, the expression  ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’ means someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.

Today I’m feeling the reverse.  As the time to begin NaNoWriMo is upon me.  (was upon me 8 hrs and 50 minutes ago, to be exact).  I realize that I have focused way to much on the big picture.

‘Picture? ‘You ask, ‘I thought NaNoWriMo was about writing a novel.’ ( I guess I am a novelist, as I’m putting words in your mouth…)

‘Its a metaphor’ I respond. ‘For my lack of preparedness.  I got so excited to write the dang thing and become a novelist that I forgot I HAD TO WRITE THE GODDAMMED WORDS EVERYDAY. LIKE EVERYDAY. LIKE 1700 OF THEM.

I was all about the signing up for the project. Making it public. Starting a twitter hashtag (follow along at #nanobliss), and encouraging others to write their novels too.  The 50,000 words over 30 days didn’t seem like a big deal. Its was a nice round number.  I was looking at the forest from the satellite view of Google Maps.

Then, I woke up this morning and thought,

‘Oh crap. crap crap crap crap crap crap.I have to write some of those words TODAY. Like NOW.  I told EVERYONE. And there’s a deadline. And I have to write the thing.’

My supposed ‘support group’ on Twitter started pressuring me.

That one totally freaked me out.

How about this one?

How rude. With that, she was just trying to make me feel bad.

The self-doubt started to wash all over me.  The Start-Stopper was taking over.  The Start-Stopper is a very strong influence.  But then, I thought about what I want out of life,  and how Sharon DeVellis has started Speed Skating, which is Holy Mother of Coffee scary if you ask me.

And how Sharon’s Speed Skating metaphor is about starting to zoom in on that forest and start looking at the trees (actually that’s my metaphor. She doesn’t have a metaphor. She is literally speed skating because she really wanted to and it scared the shit out of her).

About how when you only look at the forest, you get so excited about big the forest is, and how great your plans are, but then if you don’t look at each tree individually, and how its going to grow, and how you’re going to water it…etc etc.. then the trees will die and there will be no more forest.

Sharon goes to her Speedskating and just speeds skates. And doesn’t worry about winning the Olympics or being Queen of Speedskating, or getting rich from endorsement deals, she just skates. She looks at the trees.

Today, I’m going to start looking at the trees.  Instead of JUST focusing on my goal, and who’s going to star in the movie of my invisible novel (Robert Downey Jr.), and how many pairs of UGGs and Lululemons I’m going to buy with all the money, I’m going to actually figure out how I’m going to get there;  the doing it.

THIS IS MY TREE:   I’m going to write 1700 words every day before 4:00, until and by November 30.  

(30 days has September, April, June and November.  All the rest have 31 except for February, which has 27 and on occasion, like this year, 28.  Are you telling me you don’t recite that every time you need to figure out how many days are in a month?)

Hopefully those words will coalesce into something coherent. Or else, after I submit, and get my ‘Winner’s Certificate’. I’ll hit the delete button and start over.

In other news, but related to the forest, ITS MOVEMBER.  Since I can’t grow a moustache (THANK GOD AND MY GOOD GENES), I will be supporting the cause by growing my leg hairs as part of Noshember (No Shave November).

Let’s hope it gets long enough for braids & some beads because that would be pretty.

Noshember (No Shave November) in support of Movember

NaNoWriMo: It’s a Slacker Beat Down!

Today is Halloween. Everybody else is writing a nice Halloween post. However, since its already 2:30, its a bit late for a Halloween post.  Plus, I’d be a bit of an imposter if I wrote a Halloween post since:

a) I don’t have a pumpkin yet

b) there’s a slim to none chance I will be getting a pumpkin since trick or treating starts in 4 hrs.

c) my kids have abandoned me to teen-dom and either aren’t dressing up or have forbidden my husband to follow them (‘them’ being my 12 year old) around while ‘they’ trick our treat with ‘their’ friends (‘following’ being hiding behind bushes and generally stalking in a not-creepy however appearing extremely creepy sort of way)

This pumpkin-less situation brings me to the actual reason for my post.

I know it’s shocking news, but I’m a procrastinator.  In other words, I’m a do-it-later-er.  As in ‘why do it now, when you can do it later?’  Sometimes, when I can’t decide if I want to do it now, I let my car decide if its going to turn, and therefore do it now.  For example, I guess my car didn’t want a pumpkin as it didn’t turn into a lot to buy one.   Seriously, the pumpkin, or  lack thereof is an inelegant segue/metaphor into my newest attempt to crush the procrastination demon and turn myself into a time maximizing whirlwind of activity. (Chances of that happening?  Well, I’m not good at math, but I wouldn’t want to take the book on that wager…)  Anyways, I’m totally into self-improvement, plus, I’ve also got another major character flaw, totally related to the procrastination beast, called the ‘start-stopper’.  I have many great intentions, but large projects or new activities tend to beat me down, and then I just avoid them.  For more on my failings, look here.

Which brings me to….the badge at the top of this blog.  Maybe you know what it is, maybe you don’t.  What it means is that I’m participating in NaNoWriMo.    Its a Writing Festival. A Writing-a-Thon.  A Writing Bonanza.  In honour of National Writing Month, basically you write a 50,000 word ‘novel’ or chunk of one in 30 days.  That’s approximately 1,700 words per day. That’s a lot of writing.  Every day.  And it’s public. My name is on their website, with a WORD COUNT.  And now, I’ve written it here too. On my happy place. That means I have have to do it. Right?

Did I say that I’m taking on a HUGE commitment to write FIFTY THOUSAND WORDS IN THIRTY DAYS. What a way to tame the procrastinator start-stopper beast!

Its a known fact amongst those who know me that I’ve always wanted to be a writer. There’s a book stuck in my sternum. So far, pieces of 500-700 words have been just the right length for me. The shoebox full of Chapter Unos is a testament to that fact, as well as to the character flaws as clearly outlined above.  NaNoWriMo is how I’m having a SLACKER / PROCRASTINATOR / START_STOPPER BEAT DOWN.

Apparently, a beat down that involves a lot of words.  DID I SAY FIFTY THOUSAND WORDS?

Cuz, ya know what they say…GO BIG OR GO HOME.

Stay tuned for periodic whiny posts about my project. (If you want to stalk me on the NaNoWriMo website, my user name is ChickyMara)

ps, apparently it was advised that I write a outline and notes, as well as doing research to facilitate the 50,000 words to be written in 30 days.  Do you think I did that?

Things I Cannot Change: On not Tooting my own Horn

Don't be afraid to admit something cannot be changed

Sometimes its good to take a reality check on yourself.  Everyone wants to be a better person.  Maybe they want to be thinner, taller, yell less.  Maybe they want to be nicer, more outgoing, less outgoing.  But, there are things about ourselves that, no matter how hard we try, we cannot change.  These are things that we have to accept about ourselves, and say, ‘Screw it. Because that’s how I am.’ In my journey of life, and as I get older, I’m starting to accept certain things about myself.  Its all about self-discovery:

Preamble:  if you think this post is all about me looking for compliments, you’re wrong.  I know there are some fantastic things about me which I will share with you at another time in a post entitled ‘Tooting my Own Horn’.  This particularly post is to point out that…

These are the things that I know about myself that I cannot change.

1.  I am not sporty.  I am completely uncoordinated.  When I look in the mirror at yoga, I cannot adjust for backwards and generally end up going the wrong way.  I cannot catch a ball, nor can I pedal and change gears at the same time.  I am a terrible bowler, I run funny, and skating and I are not friends.  I am bad at sports. This is something I cannot change.

2.  I’m forgetful.  I remember things, but on the wrong date.  I forget where I put things.  I lose things.  I don’t remember  anyone’s name, even if I’ve met them 10 times. This is termed Marazheimers.  I do, however, have an excellent memory for random bits of information, I have a great sense of direction, and with my work, I can remember everything, even whole conversations.  But, I forget to pay bills, where I’m supposed to be, where I put my cellphone, keys, etc.  This is Something I Cannot Change.

3. I’m disorganized with my physical space.  I have other things to think about then how neatly my t-shirts are folded or if my skirts are hung from shortest to longest.  My desk is a mess (but I know where everything is), and I feel like filing is for wimps.  My brains move fast, and they have no time for persnickety things like automatic label makers. What’s funny, is that I hate the way a disorganized area looks. I just don’t have the temperament to effect change.  This about me drives my mother crazy.  But, I’m sorry Mom, this is something I cannot change

4.  I am a terrible resolution keeper.  Whether its to lose weight, be less forgetful, or be less organized, I do not follow through.  My diets last until the hunger pangs begin.  I buy notepads to make lists and then forget to write in them.  I purchase magazines touting organizational systems and leave them all over.  I just cannot keep these resolutions.  Perhaps because they usually involve Things I Cannot Change.  And so, with this one too, this is Something I Cannot Change.

5.  I talk too much.  Even when I swear to myself that I’m going to not talk, I talk.  I talk when I’m nervous, I talk when I’m comfortable.  I talk when I’m rested, and I talk when I’m tired.  I talk when I’m passionate about something  and I talk when I’m mad about something.  I talked non stop while delivering my children.  Sometimes I even talk in my sleep. As well, sometimes I say inappropriate things while I’m blabbering.  Unfortunately for everyone around me, This is Something I Cannot Change (other than the inappropriate part and that is something I contunue to try to change.

6.  I’m totally naive.  I believe in people, in their good and their truth.  Even when its obvious to everyone else that someone has a personal agenda or that they are not being truthful to me or themselves, I totally believe them. Then, when their true colours show through, I kick myself and swear that I’ll be more savvy next time. And then…hit the repeat button.  So, unfortunately, This is Something I Cannot Change.

7.  I’m an avoider.  I like sunshine, fairy dust and rainbows. I like everyone to be happy.  I like pleasant situations, and bills that are payable.  I like people to get along, and everyone to be true to themselves.   I try to avoid unpleasant things by pretending they don’t exist.  Then I complain for hours about them.  It’s terrible to be an avoider, because the unpleasant things are often way worse after they’ve been avoided for a while.  The more I try to change from being an avoider, the more I avoid.  This has also been termed MaraPrastination.  I have to admit, that This is Something I Cannot Change.

What about you?  Do you have things you cannot change?

Postscript:  I’m also pretty lazy, but that is Something I’m Trying to Change.

The pathetic explanation for my blog holiday

An open letter to anyone who’s ever read my blog and wondered what happened to it.

Dear single blog reader:

Well, here it is. A long awaited post on my blog. Please don’t be bored, as I’m going to ramble for a bit and quite possibly you won’t care what I have to say.

I lost my bloggy mojo a few months ago, and no matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find it. It had disappeared, muddled in the detritus of my somewhat apathetic mind. I didn’t lose my marbles or anything-I continued on with my daily life, working, getting my kids ready for camp, going to yoga. But I seemed to misplace my zingy zesty self that feels the need to be reflected in the written word . And the longer I went without writing, the worse it got. You see, what I possess is the avoider of guilt syndrome, sometimes known as momprastination or to be more personal, Maraprastination. If I don’t do something I know I should do, instead of doing it, I just avoid doing it for longer. I erase it from my mind.

What my Maraprastination brain looked like when I thought about writing a blog post.

What spurred this bout of Maraprastination? It was a big glass of behind, shaken with a big juicy dose of shame thrown in for good measure. (Do you like the liquor references? I’m trying to be literary here)

Let me explain. So, my other blog, was getting some good face time and I was offered a lovely brand new Explorer from Ford to drive, plus a gorgeously giant whack of books from publishers like HarperCollins and Simon and Schuster to review. Except, I never did it. I never wrote a thing. There’s the behind, and a bit of the shame. That’s not so bad, you say? You still tweeted about the books, you say? You weren’t so behind. We still like you.

My terrible awful shame

Well, wait till you hear the rest of the shame and then maybe you’ll change your tune. The rest of the shame is a Terrible Awful (a The Help reference. Go see the movie. For sure read the book. You won’t be sorry).

You may notice some of your favorite blog posts missing from this site. This is because I removed them. I referenced my work life in them-in a very sarcastic way. This was very unprofessional of me, and nevermind made me look like a total misfit and dork. As well, I found that I was making you, dear lonely single reader, laugh at my own expense. This self-depracating humour was not shining a flattering light.

All of this made me feel shame. The kind that makes you hide in your bed. The kind that, if my Dad had been alive, would have caused him to berate me upside down and backwards. For like 10 hours. At least.

So, that is the cause of the Maraprastination. And this post is the end of the Maraprastination. I will start writing again. Hopefully I’ll still make you laugh, or sometimes tug at your heart strings. But, I will also try not to look stupid. Because I’m not. I’m a smart woman-person. And I think you’ll like me, you’ll really like me (Sally Field reference…)

So, keep reading. Tomorrow you may hear about my dog toileting problems. Poop is always funny.



PS if my Twitter bestie @suzieswapper who tells it like it is and writes at and hadn’t forced me to write this, I wouldn’t have. So thanks. I owe you!

Procrastination vs. Slob-ery: I’ve Got Better Things to Do

Procrastination: Doing anything except what you should be doing. Commonly confused with laziness and slothfulness.

I am a huge procrastinator. Sometimes its because I’m very busy and when I feel pressured, I don’t do anything. Other times its because I’m just avoiding unpleasant or onerous tasks. These are some things I do when I’m procrastinating:

  1. Go on Twitter when I’m supposed to be writing my blog) (when I’m supposed to do just about anything)
  2. Hide envelopes that need to be actioned (from myself)
  3. Order To Do List notepads
  4. Make elaborate platters of snacks such as chips, tzatziki, cut up veggies
  5. Check Facebook, check BBM, check BBM status updates
  6. Read my own blog and snigger. Read someone else’s blog. Comment on blogs. Check my own blog stats.
  7. Look around a bit (I mean like the room. As in staring into space)
  8. Read entertainment news on Yahoo and possibly watch Samba Baby Dancing
  9. Enter contests on sites like
  10. Drink coffee with a pensive look my face as if I’m thinking about pulling the envelopes out of hiding
  11. Seriously prioritize about what HAS to get done today, and what can DEFINITELY wait until tomorrow
  12. Watch my dogs wrestle. Take pictures of my dogs wrestling. Talk to my dogs.  Talk to my nanny about my dogs.
  13. Ponder the boxes in my basement that haven’t been unpacked since I moved into my house 13 years ago
  14. Go out to get Starbucks
  15. Wander around in Winners or other retail outlets that requires extensive wandering

I completely admit to my procrastinatory ways. I have no shame, and eventually everything gets done. However, I completely take offence to those who colour code their closets confusing procrastination with slob-ery. I am not a slob. My mother used to say I’m a slob. I can’t imagine why, as my closet looks perfectly fine.

What’s wrong with my closet?

My closet looks like that because I have better things to do than hang up my clothes.  Imagine everything that I can get done (see list above) when I’m not worrying about making my closet look like this:

PS:  This is my daughter’s room.  Now, SHE is a slob.